Salam Alaikum


Junior Member
I am s my name sugests a Da'ee (Acaller towrds the truth in Islam)
and I admire the postings that the brothers and sisters post on this website and hence I joined the fmaily.So keep me popsted and I may be od some help as I have quite a few friends and associeates who have entered into Islam.


New Member

:jazaak: :tti_sister:


WeLcOmE akhi!:arabi1:


salamu aleykum brothers and sister hi my name is zaytun i'm from somalia in East Africa but i live in the U.S.A. and new to this website
ice meeting you all and love to hear from you guys jazakalaha khyran to all!:wasalam: :blackhijab: :hijabi: :ma: :SMILY139: :shahadah:


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa barakatu


Welcome to Turn To Islam. It is really nice to have you join us. Insha Allah you can benifit from our posts and maybe help us benifit from you posts.

Once again WELCOME:SMILY252: