Salam from new member


New Member
Assalamu alaikum, :arabi1:

My name Arif, new member.
Alhamdulillah I found this great site this morning :
Actually I'm moslem since I was a child, but Islam come into my heart since I follow the da'wah activity in my high school.
Very peace in my mind to know my sisters and brothers all over the world turn to Islam, I just Syukur Alhamdulillah that we are being a moslem and Insya Allah we have Iman in our mind.
Hope we can share our daily activity to raise Iman and Islam in our environment.

Wassalamu alaikum



Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum

Welcome Arif
Its really nice to have you join our community. I hope you enjoy TTI because it is a really great website. Insha Allah we get a chance to learn from you and you get a chance to learn from us.
Asalam Alakum


Junior Member
welcome bro :)))

:salam2: bro dari indonesia
:SMILY206: to TTI
do have an enjoyable stay n may u increased in islamic knowledge n eeman :inshallah:
:wasalam: :hijabi: