

New Member
Assalamu alaykum!
I'm sabreena! Apparently new to the site. Not new to Islam though, coz I was born a Muslim.hope to meet new Muslim friends. I hope also to gain more knowledge in my faith since i have much more to learn about Islam. Lately, I feel lost about my true calling in faith.coz even though I'm Muslim and believe in Allah as the one and true God, i feel that i need to realize once more my calling.coz I'm kinda feeling unattached to God at present. And im hoping that this site would give me the wisdom to make me a much more better muslim..inshaalah.



speak good or silent
Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuuh

Welcome sister Sabreena!
May you get many benefit in this site.
Do not hesitate to ask any kind of questions concerning this deen, Insha Allah our brothers and sisters will kindly help you.
Indeed, Eeman/faith sometimes up and down. If you're doing good deeds (i.e: prayers, fasting, reciting Qur'an, attending islamic lectures, etc.) your eeman will be stronger.
But if you do something bad (i.e neglecting prayers, hang out with bad people, forgeting dzikr/remembering Allah, etc.) then your eeman will become weak.
May Allah always guide you in the straight path, ukhti fillah...

*saffanah* your new friend


ALLAH is in my heart
salam sister
n welcome to tti.
u have found the right place.
INSHA ALLAH u will find tti very beneficial.
welcome again.


Your Sister In Islam
Salam sister Sabreena17,
insha allah you gain the knowledge that u need. welcome to tti.
Hope you enjoy ur stay here with us:)


ابنة الاسلام
Salam SiS ..i'm glad you joined us! Welcome to the home of Kheir (TTI)..inshaAllah you'll have best time here. Ukhti; feel free to ask anything you wish.

Waslamu 3alaikum WW


peace lover
walaikyumasalm wr wb dear sister Sabreena17 :hearts:...:SMILY206::SMILY206: to the TTI family!!!....insha Allah u ll enjoi ur stay here sis....anythin u wanna knw about islam or wanna share v sisters r der 4 uu!!...tak care n may Allah increase ur emaan n help u 2 b on the sirat-ul-mustaqeen ameen :tti_sister:


New Member
Thank you.

Im so glad I'm welcome here.thank you all for the warm welcome:) inshaalah I hope to be wiser with faith. Thank you again:D:ma:


Make dua for us all
:salam2: sister

best thing to do is to be around muslims (one way is to come to this site as often as you can (ask questions and share knowledge))... good to have you with us....:SMILY259:



New Member
Thanks a_brother and the rest i will surely follow your advice.Inshaallah .Thanks for the advice. May Allah bless you all.:tti_sister::SMILY139: