Salams Everyone


New Member
asalamu alaykum all I haven't been on this website in a long time just waned to say salams to all and hope everyone is doing well. thanks

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah
hope all is doing well there
looking forward for beneficial posts from you
wsalam :SMILY259:


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Wa'alykum as salam dear brother Stephen :)..
oooo sorry I really never noticed u,
but Insha-Allah now I'l always keep looking when ur online :D :D
so hows life treating with u now a days,Insha-Allah I hope everything is fine at ur end.
Take good care and Do remember me in your du'as and always keep :) :)


New Member
Life is great alhamdulillah I have been doing well. I was online a lot about before february this year but just been working two jobs and trying my hardest to learn more. inshallah I want to learn the Arabic language next.


Junior Member
Life is great alhamdulillah I have been doing well. I was online a lot about before february this year but just been working two jobs and trying my hardest to learn more. inshallah I want to learn the Arabic language next.

mashaAllah, that is great, i wish you every success in your endeavour to to learn arabic, it is honestly an unexplainable experience who can undertand the words of God as they were revealled.

a heartwarm welcome

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
i dont think id be missed if i logged off here


Distance nor absence doesnt separate true ukhuwah (brotherhood/sisterhood)
becos when you make silaturrahim (relationship becos of Allah), it will be cherished and remembered
where our sisters and brothers are remember in the prayers (duaa') :)


Staff member
Distance nor absence doesnt separate true ukhuwah (brotherhood/sisterhood)
becos when you make silaturrahim (relationship becos of Allah), it will be cherished and remembered
where our sisters and brothers are remember in the prayers (duaa') :)

Assalamu alaykum

Brotherhood is the Gift that Islam gives to Muslims.

InshaAllah this Gareth can become a Muslim one day soon.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam Wa Rahmatulllaahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuh brother Stephen, I love you for sake of Allah,

May Allah make things easier for you and help unite us all on the True path, amin.


Junior Member
Distance nor absence doesnt separate true ukhuwah (brotherhood/sisterhood)
becos when you make silaturrahim (relationship becos of Allah), it will be cherished and remembered
where our sisters and brothers are remember in the prayers (duaa') :)

one little pointer sis: 'silaturrahim' is blood ties- those related to you by blood e.g uncles, cousins, aunties, brothers etc which is very important in Islam. yeah brotherhood in Islam is great, I actually miss the sisterhood i had when i was at uni, especially with the malaysian sisters, as the all returned to malaysia :(

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Wa Alaikom Assalam

Welcome back my brother , I hope everything is okey with you .

I was reading your previous posts , I read that your sister converted as well , how is she now ? I hope okey .

May Allah bless you and help you learn Arabic , any help you can ask me or any one of Arabs here , we are ready to help :)