

Junior Member
I am new to this site I joined back in July but had no access after I had joined. I converted last year in July but lack Guidence and other Sisters to talk to. I am looking for good rescourses and sites I could visit to learn more about Islam that is correct information. Any help I would extremely appreaciate. thank you all so much.


Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum
I know what it's like to feel like you lack guidance, having your fellow Muslims around (especially sisters) is a big help. For info on Islam TTI is a great place, but I also suggest that you go to your local mosque (or MSA if you're attending a schhol with one). I finally got the courage to go visit mine on Monday and it's helped alot. InshaAllah you will continue to grow in your faith.


Junior Member
:salam2: sis

i just discovered this website and it very good indeed ..they have eveything u want to know about islam,,,,one of their topic is used and recommended most of the time to other muslim/muslimahs..

they have lots of audio explainations from the shahadaah to salat conducted by Dr Saleh As-Saleh ,,They have live lesson at 9pm fm mekkah which is too late for me, for its about 3am here :SMILY23::SMILY23: just go check it out,,, u might find it helpful like i do

u cud even register for their 3 years course free of charge on-line,,,
may u benefits fm listening to all the interesting audios on everything islam

:wasalam: :hijabi: fm singapore