Say Insha-Allah

Mohammad Rafoqie

Junior Member

By Muhammad Rafique Etesami

It is said that once some polytheists of Makkah asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about the incident of “Ashab-e-Kahaf” (Catacomb Camrades). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) promised that he would tell them about it the next day but he forgot to say “InshaAllah”. Actually he hoped that Gabriel (A.S) would come and tell him about the incident. But, , unexpectedly , Gabriel (A.S) did not come till the fifteen days. Then the polytheists started to say as a joke that Allah had let off the prophet Muhammad (PBHH).
Hearing that, the Prophet (PBUH) felt deep grief over that .After passing some days these verses were revealed,” And say not of anything: Lo! I shall do that tomorrow, except if Allah. And remember thy Lord then thou forgetteth, and say: it may be that my Lord guideth me unto a nearer way of truth than this.”(The Cave: 24)
Allah Almighty Has warned the Holy Prophet (PBUH) through these verses that whenever he wants to do anything, he must say “InshaAllah”, otherwise the work would not be done.
The reason is that Allah’s command is fully enforced into all the universe. No one can move or do anything without His will of command. He is absolute Ruler and the Omnipotent and the Omniscient Master of the universe. Says in the holy Quran,”but His command, when He intendeth a thing, is only that He saith unto it: Be and it is. Therefore glory be to Him in whose hand is the dominion over all things. Unto Him ye will be brought back”.
If Allah wants to do something, then no worldly power can do it, So, he who says Insha-Allah, directly makes concern to Allah Almighty. He confesses his helplessness and powerlessness and asks for Help and ” Taufeeq,”
So, if we want that our desires and objects set right, we must say “InshaAllah. May Give us “Taufeeq” to do so Ameen