Sayyid Qutb Brought Leninism To Contemporary Takfiri and Jihadi Groups

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Sayyid Qutb Brought Leninism To Contemporary Takfiri and Jihadi Groups

In the compilation, "Islam and the West, Critical Perspectives on Modernity" (compiled by Michael Thompson), Omer Caha writes (pp. 44-45):

Radical and revolutionary Islam, which emerged as reactions to colonialism, were inspired more by socialist values than by liberal democratic values, and they formulated their principles in line with this outlook. It was common in the Islamic world until the 1980s to consider Islam as a source of ideology as well as a revolutionary ideology. It was particularly the Iranian revolution, which became and inspirational reference for Islamic movements at that time. In this period, Islam was taken by Muslim thinkers of Iranian origin as well as by those of North African origin, almost as a kind of state religion, a revolutionary ideology, and a theocratic political structure.
Such interpretations of Islam can be traced back, in the case of some North African countries, to the period between the second half of the nineteenth century and up to the first half of the twentieth century. At that point in time, Muslim countries began to suffer a long period of painful setback in the face of the incredible economic growth and development western countries were experiencing.
Moreover, the colonial ambitions of western countries directly over Islamic territories evoked strong reactions from Muslim thinkers of North Africa who began to think in terms of Leninism. This explains a great deal about the distance, which Muslims began to feel toward liberalism, democracy, capitalism,and other similar systems and ideas.

The two key concepts these thinkers borrowed from Leninism were the "state" and "revolution". It was in their view, the state that symolized social justice, social unity, and the struggle against the West. Such a state could only be established through revolution, this being under the leadership of a pioneering group.

The works of Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian Islamic intellectual who was hanged by the Nasser regime in 1966, for instance, emphasize the role of a revolutionary group Largely on account of his Leninist background, Qutb envisaged the establishment of an Islamic state by means of a revolution led by a specially trained group versed in Islamic values. The project towards the creation of such a group, indeed, can be seen as an attempt to replace Lenin's proletariat vanguards with their Muslim counterparts. For Qutb, the salvation of Muslims, as well as the entirety of humanity depended on an Islamic state that would represent a third way, i.e., an alternative to socialism and capitalism.

Although critical of socialism, many Islamic intellectuals, as in the case of Sayyid Qutb, operated on values that might be combined with a Leninist style of state socialism in some form through its emphasis on collective brotherhood, revolution, equality, salvation, a centralized state, anticapitalism, and antidemocracy amongst others.

Hence, both authoritarian regimes and Muslim intellectuals with a first-hand experience of colonial domination completely refused the West, and sought to set up alternative institutions, which were authoritarian in character. When realizing the traditional interpretations of Islam fell short of enabling the deployment of adequate means by which to resolve existing problems, they began to borrow concepts and perspectives from Russian socialism, which was anticapitalist and antiliberalist in character, to develop an Islamic myth as an alternative.

Thought the writer is writing from the perspective of explaining the lack of democracy, or opposition to democracy in the Muslim lands, his analysis of the origins of ideologies based upon the notions of "state" and "revolution" and borrowed from Russian Bolshevism are extremely accurate.

This can be seen in the likes of Abu A'la Mawdudi and very clearly in the writings of Sayyid Qutb.

Phil Paine, a writer and independent scholar as he describes himself observes, after reading Milestones for the first time:

... The first thing one notices about Qutb's ideological thought is how little it has to do with traditions of Islam, or the needs of people in Islamic countries It is profoundly European in inspiration, and it's chief models are Hitler, Marx and Lenin ... Lenin is by far the strongest influence.

Whole passages look like they were simply copied out from his works and then a pseudo-Islamic terminology inserted, "revolutionary vanguard" becoming "Islamic vanguard", and so on.. As Marxist mumbo-jumbo justified the telling of any lie, the betrayal of any value, the commitment of any atrocity, in the name of an implacable destiny, so too, does Milestones...

... Qutb was by no means alone. In the 1920's and 1930's, the Muslim Brotherhood and other precursers of today's jihadist movement were profoundly influenced by Marxism and Nazism. Before WWII, Hitler was the greater influence, but with his defeat, Communism became the principal inspiration. In fact, Qutb himself was a delegate to the Communist International, its principle liaison with the Muslim Brotherhood. [R. R. Reilly, "The Roots of Islamist Ideology"]

... Qutb draws on the Asharite tradition, as well as on his Marxist and Nazi sources But today's totalitarian Islamism is not an attempt to restore the glories of early Islam. Far from it --- it draws its inspiration from the deviations from classical Islam that destroyed those glories...

It is very interesting to see how individuals that are learned, well-read and well-versed can immediately recognize - after reading just a single book (Milestones) - the true and real origins of Qutb's ideology. The writer also had the knowledge and understanding to recognize Qutb's Asharite leanings. So much for those ignoramus journalists and half-boiled writers linking Qutb to Salafiyyah.

Ladan and Roya Boroumand wrote in an article titled "Terror, Islam and Democracy", Journal of Democracy 13.2 (2002) 5-20:

Like Mawdudi and various Western totalitarians, he [Qutb] identified his own society (in his case, contemporary Muslim polities) as among the enemies that a virtuous, ideologically self-conscious, vanguard minority would have to fight by any means necessary, including violent revolution, so that a new and perfectly just society might arise. His ideal society was a classless one where the "selfish individual" of liberal democracies would be banished and the "exploitation of man by man" would be abolished. God alone would govern it through the implementation of Islamic law (shari'a). This was Leninism in Islamist dress.

Contemporary members of the Muslim Brotherhood acknowledge that Qutb was influenced by Leninist revolutionary methodology. Ibrahim al-Houdaiby writes in an article "Four Decades After Sayyid Qutb's Execution" (bold emphasis is ours):

In "Milestones" Qutb presents a manifesto for change, one heavily influenced by Lenin's "What is to be done," with the clear Islamization of its basic notions. He argued that society was suffering from "jahiliyya" (a state of ignorance which preceded the revelation of Islam) and that consequently, there is no room for middle ground between Islamists and their societies.

Paul Berman writes in an article published in the New York Times, 23rd March 2003

The few had to gather themselves together into what Qutb in "Milestones" called a vanguard - a term that he must have borrowed from Lenin ...

In "Sayyid Qutb: The Father of Al-Qaida", published in the Independent in August 2006, Daniel Martin quotes from Lawrence Wright observing about the book "Milestones":

...Its ringing apocalyptic tone may be compared with Rousseau's Social Contract and Lenin's What Is to Be Done? - with similar bloody consequences.

Rod Dreher writes in the Dallas Morning News (27th August 2006):

What is to be done? Lenin famously asked about Czarist Russia. Qutb's answer to the same question about the West was, in part, "Milestones," a Leninist-style tract advocating worldwide Islamic revolution.

As we have noted in a previous article that:

The esteemed scholar, Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, who has authored numerous works in refutation of the heresies and extremism of the father of all modern takfiri groups, pointed out in 1995 Qutb's exposition of elements of Communist ideology as well as his Leninist revolutionary activities.

Shaikh Rabee' stated in "al-Awaasim Mimmaa Fee Kutub Sayyid Qutb Min al-Qawaasim" (p.38, 1st print, 1995):

Secondly: This tashree (legislation) that Sayyid Qutb ascribes to Islaam (referring here to some aspects of socialism-marxism related to confiscation of wealth from the rich for redistribution amongst the poor that Qutb permitted), he borrowed them from the Communist and Western principles (mabaadi) and theorems (nadhariyyaat) which had become widespread in his lifetime. In fact he himself used to imbibe (such principles and theorems) and they remained settled in his soul and in his intellect at the time when he would write in the name of Islaam. Especially when he mounted the peak of the Nasserite Taaghootee revolution which in its application, centered around Socialism, based upon the theorem of Sayyid Qutb and his likes, those who had mixed Marxist Socialism with the garment of Islaam, and by which Islaam and the Muslims were pounded.

And in the footnote, the Shaikh adds to this:

And the Free Officers, at the head of them, Jamaal Abd an-Nasser, used to be students, learning from the books of Sayyid Qutb, and he (Qutb) used to partner with them in plotting the revolution. Refer to the book "Sayyid Qutb min al-Meelaad Ilaa Istish.haad" (p.299-304) and before these pages, and also the book "Sayyid Qutb al-Adeeb an-Naaqid" (p.105-107)."

Sayyid Qutb based his ideologies on his own Socialist, Marxist, Leninist background. He had already been involved in one Leninist-style revolution when he along with Nasser and the Free Officers plotted the revolution by which Nasser came into power - though he and Nasser later fell out.

The fact that Sayyid Qutb was heavily influenced by Marxist Socialism and Leninism is being firmly established as more and more academic studies are conducted looking at the evolution of Qutb's writings and ideologies in the background of the changing social, economical and political landscapes in the time that Qutb lived (early to mid 20th century).

As all contemporary takfiri and jihadi groups who promote revolution as a means of reform have inevitably taken their methodologies from Sayyid Qutb, they can rightly be called Leninist-Kharijites, as the true intellectual basis of their ideologies and methodologies has been thoroughly exposed. Leninism. Qutb could not find the revolution he envisaged in the Qur'an, or the Sunnah or from any of the Orthodox Muslim scholars.

In fact the above author has shrewdly pointed this out:

When realizing the traditional interpretations of Islam fell short of enabling the deployment of adequate means by which to resolve existing problems, they began to borrow concepts and perspectives from Russian socialism...

So he took it from Lenin, and then tried to quote from historical and prominent scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah to argue for aspects of his methodology. As we will show in future articles, Qutb's use of Ibn Taymiyyah to argue for his Leninist methodology is false.

You may also want to refer to this article on Sayyid Qutb, Marxist Socialism and the Leninist Revolutionary Vanguard.



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As-salaamu `alaykum.

Firstly, I renamed the thread to what the title of the article states, inshaa' Allaah it is more appropriate and just. Secondly, the facts above are well known, so easy to perceive and are not surprising at all. Syed Qutb, may Allaah have mercy on him, was a writer, a poet, a thinker, he was into his politics and was not a scholar of Islaam, or any of its branches. I think people seem to miss this point; he wasn't a person of `ilm, and so shouldn't be treated as such, and his books were books of opinions (such as his tafseer), and not of sound knowledge from the kitaab and sunnah...


Junior Member
I kinda liked the title : ) because in actuality the modern day jihaadi and revolutionary groups did spark from his writings and actions.


As-salaamu `alaykum.

Firstly, I renamed the thread to what the title of the article states, inshaa' Allaah it is more appropriate and just. Secondly, the facts above are well known, so easy to perceive and are not surprising at all. Syed Qutb, may Allaah have mercy on him, was a writer, a poet, a thinker, he was into his politics and was not a scholar of Islaam, or any of its branches. I think people seem to miss this point; he wasn't a person of `ilm, and so shouldn't be treated as such, and his books were books of opinions (such as his tafseer), and not of sound knowledge from the kitaab and sunnah...

The words of Mufti Abdulaziz Al ash-Shaikh about Seyyid Qutbs book "Fi Thilal al-Quran":
"Wallahi, a student of knowledge if he reads it he can benefit from it... a student who can see mistakes...if a student of knowledge reads some passages from this book, and in reality concerning some passages, this book is very good, there has been mistakes and i dont say that it's free from mistakes but one should be fair and just and we should not interpret his words and give them meanings that he did not intend. And we should not have prejudice. This man made jihad and as you know he became martyr or was killed as a martyr - rahimahullah -
Question to mufti: as a result from your words that you said before a while, does it mean that you call new students of knowledge to read this book?"
"He has books where he had some mistakes and he left these mistakes, because Quran... probably writing commentary on Quran made him leave his previous minhaj and no doubt that when you reflect upon the meaning of Quranand when you read it frequently, it changes you.."
"Kitab at-Tawhid", sixth lesson


As-salaamu `alaykum.

Firstly, I renamed the thread to what the title of the article states, inshaa' Allaah it is more appropriate and just. Secondly, the facts above are well known, so easy to perceive and are not surprising at all. Syed Qutb, may Allaah have mercy on him, was a writer, a poet, a thinker, he was into his politics and was not a scholar of Islaam, or any of its branches. I think people seem to miss this point; he wasn't a person of `ilm, and so shouldn't be treated as such, and his books were books of opinions (such as his tafseer), and not of sound knowledge from the kitaab and sunnah...

Anything beyond the scope of Quran and Sunnah cannot be considered Ilm?
Sure he did not have training in the different Islamic sciences, but I believe he had enough knowledge and he had the 'fruit of knowledge' (fear of Allah).
This is evident by his works. Subhanallah, what a deep analysis he gives in his books.
I wholeheartedly agree with what Mufti AbdulAziz said concerning Sayed Qutb. 'In the shades of the Quran' isn't a book of tafsir, I'm not sure why people like brother Salem make it out to be. Are we supposed to get Akham from this book? The book was merely his reflection and contemplation of reading the Quran. Subhanallah! All of us may reflect something incorrectly, that does not make one of us less Muslim than another.
Your whole crusade against him is sickening.

In my humble opinion what he proposed concerning the establishment of Islamic rule, is far superior to anything modern day or contemporary scholars has come up with. I believe he realized the contemporary challenges facing the Muslim world, and he earnestly attempted to come up with a way to establish Islamic Law. Sure, not everything he says is 100 percent correct or the proper way to go on about it, but blaming and defaming this man who gave his life for his belief and love for Allah, and did not bow an inch to the Fasiq who executed to him, how can people do that?



Funny how the author compared him to Marx and Lennin while another author from Foreign Affairs or Council on Foreign Relations compared him to "John Locke".
Now he can't be like them both can he?

I personally love his writing. As a person who takes great interest in political philosophy, Sayed Qutb's work is very thought provoking.
May Allah have mercy on him.


user expired!

Junior Member
What if he commits open Kufr and replaces the Islamic law system with a democratic secular system, do we still talk to him in private?

What even after we talk to him in private he still persists in this?


Junior Member
When i read Sayid Qutub `s books it give me more faith and understanding in islam .........he is not a prophet for sure he do have mistakes as any other human but what a human he was ??? May Allah shower him with mercy.


Junior Member
Fellow Muslimin that the Ulama who critise the CERTAIN hadits in Bukhari weren't

I didn´t mean critisizg bukhari sharif, i meant a comment about imam bukhari(rh). will try to post it later inshallah.

For now only

Rabi'i al-Madkhali said about Ibn Jibreen:
"He is not a acholar, he has lost his religion and Islam, he fights via satellites and he is neither classified amongst salafis nor scholars. Dont bother yourself with him, o Farid!" (discussion between Farid al-Maliki and sh. rabee)

and farid al maliki asked him , did he (sh rabee) said this comment."Shaikh Ibn Baz harmed salafi da'wa with a strong harm!" ?

And he(sh.rabee) said this cause he(sh. bin baaz(rh)) praise sh.salman and safar.

Sorry for being out of the topic. My intention was to mention sh.rabee not even left scholars , then who is sayd qutb(rh) infront of him!


Regarding Sayyid Qutb

Ibn Jibreen
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Office of the Presidency of Islamic Research and Legal

Some youth call Shaykh Sayyid Qutb a heretic and prohibit the reading of his books, and they say a similar statement regarding Hasan al-Banna, as they also say regarding some of the scholars that they are Khawarij. Their argument is that [they do this] in order to 'expose the errors [of these men] to the people,'. even though [these youth] are until now [only] students [of knowledge]. I hope for a response so that doubt may be removed from us and others, [and] so that this [phenomenon] will not spread.

All praise belongs to Allah alone. To proceed: It is impermissible to [unjustly] call the Muslims heretics or wicked as is evidenced by the statement of the Prophet SAW "Whoever says to his brother 'O enemy of Allah,' and he is not such but that it returns back to him." While in [another] hadith 'Whoever calls a Muslim an infidel it returns back to one of them.' While in another hadith: "A man passed by another while he was doing a sin and he said to him, 'By Allah, Allah will not forgive you.' So [Allah] said: 'Who is he who can pass judgment on my behalf that I will not forgive so and so, I have forgiven him and have nullified your deeds.'"

With this I say, Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna are among the scholars of the Muslims and among the people of da'wa. Allah has brought benefit by them and through them He has guided many people. They both have efforts [for Islam] which should not be denied. For this reason Shaikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz interceded on behalf of Sayyid Qutb when the order for his execution was given. [Ibn Baz] was gentle in his intercession, but President Gamal [Abdel Nasser] did not accept [Ibn Baz's] intercession, may Allah send upon him [i.e. Abdel Nasser] what he deserves. When both men [i.e Hasan al-Banna & Sayyid Qutb] were killed, each was referred
to as a martyr, as each was killed unjustly. This is borne witness to by those close [to them] as well as by the general public. As it was widely spread in the papers and books without anyone ever objecting. Moreover, the scholars have received their books [with acceptance]. No one has attacked them for more than the [last] twenty years. If some [heresy proceeded] from them, then [these mistakes] are
similar to an-Nawawi, as-Suyuti, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn 'Atiyah, al-Khatabi, al-Qastalani and the likes of many of them. I have read what Shaikh Rabi al-Madkhali has written in his refutation of Sayyid Qutb and I found that he has placed statements where they do not exist. For this reason Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, may Allah perserve him, refuted him. Likewise, [al-Madkhali's] unjust attacks of Shaikh 'Abdur-Rahman ['Abdul-Khaaliq] and his [twisting 'Abdur-Rahman 'Abdul-Khaaliq's words] in order to find errors which would make ['Abdur-Rahman 'Abdul-Khaaliq appear] misguided, even though [Shaikh Rabi] befriended him for a lengthy period of time and he never found any such errors [in the past].

And the eye of pleasure sees every fault insignificant,
But the eye of hatred always finds fault.

Dictated by
Abdullah ibn Abdur-Rahman ibn Jibreen
26/2/1417 AH

I think we should take more heed from the opinions of Muslim scholars, rather than what kuffars have to say regarding Sayed Qutb.


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As-salaamu `alaykum.

This thread has only lead to where I expected it. Jazaak Allaah khayran akhi al-kathiri, I wasn't aware of the Mufti's opinion although I have seen him refute the errors of Sayyid Qutb's opinions. I was only aware of Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd, rahimahullaah speaking good of him. However, of the major scholars, and those lesser than them, then the vast majority of statements of praise or warning I've read with respect to Qutb, rahimahullaah, fall under warnings and criticisms. And I'm not just talking about Shaykh Rabee`, but Fawzaan, Ibn Baaz, `Abdul-Muhsin Al-`Abbaad, Ibn `Uthaymeen, Saalih as-Suhaymee, as well as the Jordanians.

Other than the two praises of Bakr Abu Zaid, and `Abdul-`Aziz aal ush-Shaykh (the latter who did clarify some of Qutb's mistakes), I've have only seen people resort to pathetically claiming that Ibn Baaz defended him, because he interceded for him prior to execution. We all know this is true, but the Shaykh done this out of rahmah, he defended his life (maa shaa Allaah) but not his bid`ah; he clealry warned against Sayyid Qutb in his speech saying "Rebuttal of him is good". The other thing I have seen is people twisting the words of Shaykh Al-Albaanee on the subject saying that he praised him, when in fact he praised a general statement of his, not knowing who uttered it. See what his students such as `Alee Hasan Al-Halabee and/or Mashoor Hassan have said for more info. Anyway, the point I'm making is that the majority of ahl ul-`ilm from ahl us-sunnah have warned against either his writings and statements. I don't see the need to go into any details, but I suffice with one saying of Qutb, rahimahullaah...

"And it is necessary for Islaam to judge, since it is a unique, constructive and positivist aqidah which has been moulded and shaped from Christianity and Communism together, in the most perfect of ways and which comprises all of their objectives and adds in addition to them harmony, balance and justice." [Ma’rakat ar-Ra’samaaliyyah wal-Islaam]

Shaykh Hammaad Ibn Muhammad Al-Ansaaree, rahimahullaah, responded to this saying,

"If the one who said these words was alive, then his repentance should be sought, so if he repents (then so) otherwise he is to be killed as an apostate. And if he has died then it is obligatory to explain that these words are falsehood. However we do not perform takfir of him since we have not established the proof against him."

The point is brothers and sisters, that Qutb rahimahullaah, though he had a passion and concern for the ummah, he made many, many statements like these. Such statements need clarification. So one who doesn't know much about Islaam, doesn't have sound `aqeedah, do you truly think that it would be ideal for them to "benefit" from the books of Sayyid Qutb, rahimahullaah? They are better off learning `Aqeedah ut-Tahaawiyyah without any sharh... Saying that Islaam is the product of communism and christianity, saying harsh words against certain companions, making ta`weel of Allaah's names and attributes, not relying upon sound and firm knowledge in his tafseer (I'm aware that one could argue that it is not a tafseer, but since it still has a general commentary of the Qur'aan I'm labeling it as such).

Seriously, it is not an issue of pasting big, harsh refutations on him (which are not words from the scholars, but simply based upon theirs), nor defending him and covering these serious statements of his as if they were non-existant, just because he had zeal and was killed (both seem rather childish to me, how many people I've seen "follow" someone just because they preach and get locked up or killed, sounds more like asbo culture in many cases)!? Rather the point is in mentioning the errors of Sayyid Qutb, to warn people from them, and thus his writings in general...

Anyway, I'm closing this, and sorry but some posts had to go (for various reasons)...

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