scholar opinions, whr can i ask?


Junior Member
Salam aleykum everybody

I wish to find a trustfull site whr i could ask about islamic stuff what is in my mind, I need an opinion into several things and i wish to ask from a person who knows all the opinions of the scholars and not only one or two views, u know what i mean...

So what place would be like that, what site, who...???

Thx very much to all
and have a lovely srpingtime :hearts:


Junior Member

most likely you will find in a masjid, there you will find men and women who will be able to assist, in sha Allah.

put your trust in Allah and have patience and most of the time you will find the information come to you from where to expect it to or from ways that will catch you by surprise.

may Allah answer what we ask Him for.



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
This site is the best and you can be sure the answers are from the Qur'an and sunnah.

True..and the shaikh is very good about quoting other scholars and even mentioning the opinion of all madhaaheb (schools of thought) it will benefit you a lot inshallah :)



Junior Member

I dont think you can avoid different views... you would have to see it from all views and take what's best... it's not as straight forward but in sha Allah hope islamqa helps you for starters =)