School cancelled Friday prayer?


Young Muslim
Salam brothers and sisters,

For an odd reason, they have cancelled Friday Prayer at our high school. Many of the brothers were obliged to sneak out of class and go find an empty room to have prayer in, but this being disallowed by many of the teachers, had to stop. These kids now get a note from their parents to be excused and go to the mosque. The closest mosque to school is at least an hours walk away and I have no ride. Is it ok if I pray it a bit early at around 12; 30 with some brothers because this is when my lunch hour ends. The teachers here are very strict on being late, skipping ( in our case to go pray ), and taking washroom breaks.

How should I go about this?


Junior Member
Is it ok if I pray it a bit early at around 12; 30 with some brothers because this is when my lunch hour ends. The teachers here are very strict on being late, skipping ( in our case to go pray ), and taking washroom breaks.

How should I go about this?
:salam2: is 5 time prayer take place where u wanna pray? i knew that jummah can be prayed where 5 time salah take place otherwise they may pray zohar salah.


you muslims, even if you migrated to another place where you can practice your religion freely, even then the mushriks will come after you. this happened 1430 years ago. its happening again.


Junior Member
Can I ask where you live, if you live in the states and go to a public school, if you go to the principal or even up to the superintendent they have to allow you and the brothers a right to take time to pray, if you go to private school thats another matter.