Seeking of knowlegde


New Member
Asaalmulikum brothers/sisters! I am hoping to do an Alimah course. Does anyone know a full time alimah course for sis in London or in others places u know, coz it’s very important to seek knowledge for both men and women. And I would encourage all the other sisters to seek knowledge in the deen as we play a huge role in society!

Ibn ‘Abbas narrated, the Messenger of Allah (SAAW) said:

“Any person who goes along a course seeking knowledge, Allah will make for him the path to Paradise easy because of it. And he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds, his noble lineage will not give him priority [into

(Muslim, Sahih; Ad-Darimi, Sunan; An-Nawawi, Riyad As-Salihin)

Many sisters get demotivated to increase their knowledge in Islam because they need a mahram, in order to travel and seek knowledge, the same applies to me

So plz give me any advice, and do pray for me coz I’ am really determined to become an Alimah and to pass on knowledge