shaab arabi wahid one god one people george galloway


Junior Member
assalam , it is a debate about the current situation in iraq of how it should be governed in the futur through dictartorship or democratie on the doha round what are your views on the subject please share your thoughts......

ps. i think george galloway should be muslim may allah swt guide him inschallah it is crazy the dude speaks ,thinks,reacts just like me i am sure he copied some stuff from me though no problem i can forgive:SMILY259:




Staff member

ps. i think george galloway should be muslim may allah swt guid him inschallah it is crazy the dude speaks ,thinks,reacts just like me i am sure he copied some stuff from me though

LOL..:D inshallah!

i think iraq can only begin to improve if the occupation ends. i reckon the only reason that CIA guy is saying he wants a strong leader and dictator again is not cos he wants to save the 'dying babies' of iraq! more like they want some sort of stable country which correlates with their interests in case they get into another sticky situation (they will) when they go into Iran. they need another saddam who actually likes them this time. American makes out he actually cares bout the iraqis...joke.

i think the democracy which Mr Galloway supports is one that all democracies are supposed to be like but never are. someone once said that a democracy is like electing a 4 year dictatorship and they were right. and thats what iraq will get through implmenting a 'democracy', also a democracy like proportional rep would be disasterous in iraq. that mistake been made before in europe and it ended in dicatatorship anyway.

it doesnt look pretty in iraq right now but i still think end to occupation would be the beginning of the end to the violence. Allahualim.



Long Live Palestine
Occupation is the ugliest thing a nation can ever suffer. BUT, I don't think that the civil war and local atrocities would end when the occupation leaves, because sectarianism is deeprooted in the texture of the Iraqi society and it was the dictatorship of Saddam, ugly as it is, that ironically softened the impacts of sectarianism.

Second, I think bringing about any form of democracy by means of arms and tanks is contradictory and is against the spirit of democracy itself. Democracy should be the choice of people, but if it is forced upon people, it becomes dictatorship disguised in the nice mask of the glittering word democracy. This is exactly what the US is trying to market, dictator puppets disguised behind democracy.

I thus believe that democracy is to be used as a process prior to setting up a a system but not as a totalitarian system. What if people democratically elected a non-democratic party for government? What if people democratically elected a dictator? Isn't that people's "democratic" right after all.

When in Palestine people democratically elected an Islamic government, most western countries were upset and antagonized that government.

Conclusion: democracy is a trick that many western countries use as a plea to justify colonialism, but when it goes against their own interests, they just betray their own principles unashamedly.



Junior Member
I thus believe that democracy is to be used as a process prior to setting up a  a system but not as a totalitarian system.

i agree with you especially the upper statement as the others talk for themselves! if democratie is applied and the choice of the people is respected
without any trick or manipulation in the electoral prosses without supressive military regimes than there is no doubt that islamic parties would win the elections in every single muslim country from Morroco to Indonesia whether it is the brotherhood in Egypte,the FIS in Algeria or what eventually remains of it!....etc there would be nothing to stop this ummah from reuniting anymore and that is what the imperialists fear the most it would be game over for them and they know it!

When in Palestine people democratically elected an Islamic government, most western countries were upset and antagonized that government.

Conclusion: democracy is a trick that many western countries use as a plea to justify colonialism, but when it goes against their own interests, they just betray their own principles unashamedly.

