Simple Question


New Member

Can someone answer me.

Are regular USA McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, KFC Halal for muslims to eat? ( except pork products obviously).

Can I eat for example chicken teriyaki sub at a regular Subway?

I need a concise answer, maybe a fatwa issued by modern day schools?


New Member
if the meat they use is halal, then it stands to reason that it is permissable to eat it, the exception being if it comes into contact with non halal or pork meats/utensils used for pork products.
i live in the uk and macdonalds is not permissable to eat, the exception being the fish products, i.e fish fingers or a fish fillet meal, they use a different oil when cooking the fish than with what they cook the other meat with.

your best bet is to go in and ask if they use halal meat, and if they do then does it come into contact with any haram produce or utensils used for cooking it.



Staff member
wa alaykum salam

Muslims have specific way of sacrificing meat in order for it to be halal, apart from all fish which is halal.

So, chicken, beef etc needs to be sacrificed properly and from Muslim butchers, in order for it to be halal.

Those restaurants you mentioned do not serve halal products, except perhaps a few designated restaurants or in Muslim countries.


Logical Believer
wa alaykum salam

Muslims have specific way of sacrificing meat in order for it to be halal, apart from all fish which is halal.

So, chicken, beef etc needs to be sacrificed properly and from Muslim butchers, in order for it to be halal.

Those restaurants you mentioned do not serve halal products, except perhaps a few designated restaurants or in Muslim countries.

asslam o alaikum
brother u r very much right. same is the situation in Germany with me, i cant find a halal made chicken in any restaurant. they claim it is halal but from other sources it is come to be known that it is not.

so take into mind that it must be slaughtered in an Islamic way.


Smile for Allah
Typically in the US:

McDonalds - nothing there is halaal. Even their fries are fried in the same oil as the chicken nuggets and pork products.

Burger King - Fries are halaal, since they have a separte Fries fryer. Nothing else is though, I think.

Subway - As long as you eat a Veggie sub, it's okay, as far as I know. (please let me eat this, I'll starve otherwise)

KFC - No way. Everything's non-halaal chicken. Never even been in a KFC in my entire life, lol.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)


Logical Believer
Typically in the US:

McDonalds - nothing there is halaal. Even their fries are fried in the same oil as the chicken nuggets and pork products.

Burger King - Fries are halaal, since they have a separte Fries fryer. Nothing else is though, I think.

Subway - As long as you eat a Veggie sub, it's okay, as far as I know. (please let me eat this, I'll starve otherwise)

KFC - No way. Everything's non-halaal chicken. Never even been in a KFC in my entire life, lol.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)

i don't know about subway , but i am sure about others.
u r 100% right.same situation in Germany.


Junior Member
Halal or not, I suggest staying away from fast food chains as they are UNHEALTHY. Just imagine how those THINGS get from their FACTORIES to not even be cooked, but REHEATED back in their restaurants. Common sense can also tell one that it is unavoidable for these companies to use flavor enhancers, and other artificial chemicals so as to increase shelf life and make it more appealing to the consumers. Nauseating.

If you are trying to save on money, there is still nothing like packed home cooked meals :)


Junior Member
another angle to it is ---that many of these especially Mc Donalds and starbucks are making donations worth millions to ISRAELS ZIONIST organistaions.
so it stands to reson would you buy from a guy who you knew would use the money to buy arms and kill your parents ,humiliate your sisters and kill the brothers.
personally i find eating at these places offensive .

plus food is unhealhty


Smile for Allah
Now I'm confused again.

Read this. meat

wouldn't United Stated considered "where People of the Book live"?

Also here: meat

What's to be confused about? The fatwas clearly state that if you know the meat was not Islamically slaughtered, then it is haraam. American restaraunts in general do not islamically slaughter meat. Therefore, the meat is haraam, unless the entire restaraunt has a halaal certificate (which in most cases it does not.) If you read the fatwa carefully, it states yes, they are the People of the Book, but if they are not mentioning any name on their meat or are slaughtering unislamically, it is haraam.


Junior Member
Now I'm confused again.

Read this. meat

wouldn't United Stated considered "where People of the Book live"?

Also here: meat

No they wouldn't be :)

They claim to be people of the book, yet they care little about how their animals are slaughtered. Anyways, fatwas are not really open to discussion among us the non-knowledgable people. If you accept the fatwa and adhere to it Alhamdulilaah. If you cannot, "fatwa shopping" won't help you enter Jannaah :)

To me the matter is clear. To others, they want to justify it. Let me remind you that if you were to find a fatwa that states it is permissible, do you understand the concept of cross-contamination?

For example, you will rarely find a place that doesn't use the same oil to fry chicken strips, chicken nuggets, bacon, french fries, fish burgers, and others.

Place like subway wear gloves when making sandwiches. This is all fine and dandy, but he picks up the lettuce with his gloves, and then the pork/ham/bacon, and then the tomatoes. What happens to the tomatoes? Traces of pork. You can see that by the end of the day when you come to order your sandwich, the chances are greater than 99.9% that what he is going to put in your sandwich has come into contact with pig byproducts.

Same thing with spatulas, knives, table tops, and every other thing they use for preparing your food. Do you think they are going to wash carefully every thing they use for your lonely sandwich?

Anything you pick up from a place like that is pretty much a guarantee that it carries traces of pig byproducts. This is a reality.

Truth hurts as they say, and sometimes difficult to accept. This is what you have to put up with if you choose to live in a non-Islamic society. If there are Halal food shops, then they are most deserving of your money. If there are none around, then patience is your weapon. Those who endure patiently have the greatest rewards with Allaah 'Azza Wa-Jal.

Say, "O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account." {25:75}

Those will be awarded the Chamber for what they patiently endured, and they will be received therein with greetings and [words of] peace. {25:75}

Indeed, there was a party of My servants who said, ‘Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of the merciful.’

But you took them in mockery to the point that they made you forget My remembrance, and you used to laugh at them.

Indeed, I have rewarded them this Day for their patient endurance - that they are the attainers [of success]."


Smile for Allah
^ But the Quran also has a verse, sorry, don't have it memorized word for word, but its like:

All things are lawful to eat except flesh of swine, blood, carrion, and meat which has been blessed with other than the name of Allah.

The American meat falls in the last category.

This is because their scriptures DID tell them to slaughter by blessing with the name of God, but they don't do it. How is it lawful to eat then?


Here to help

I don't care whether its halal or not (ofcourse anything but pork).

Personally, although I have had an issue with the 'halal' food. But after my sheihk said that when he travels abroad, and I LIVE abroad, he eats non halal meat, just say bismillah (in the name of Allah) and eat, so I don't bother anymore.

It's unbelievable, one, its expensive, two, i tried being a vegiterian before then gave up, i could hardly get through my day without getting tired so quickly.

Allah is merciful, and I'm sure he understands my position.

wa salam alikom.

P.S. I don't actually recall reading an official fatwa about this, that said you are aloud to eat non halal meat.


Junior Member
It's disturbing how people here are answering without any daleel.
There's an Ayah stating we can eat the food of Ahlul Kitâb
but what should the Ahlul kitâb do to make the meat halâl?

I have read a Hadeeth before where 'Aisha asked about the meat of Ahlul kitâb and the Prophet (Sal Allahu 'Alayhi wasalam) said: say 'Bismillah' and do not ask the people of the book whether it is halal or not!
I will come up with the daleel later insh'Allah