Sister wearing contact lenses...


Salaam alekoum all,

Is there a specific ruling on the permissability of wearing contact lenses?

Just to clarify, I normally wear glasses to correct my eyesight (alhamdulillah, my eyesight is OK, I am just a little shortsighted), but in work I have to wear contacts specifically to see small details from a distance, as required by my job.

I don't wear them out of vanity, to appear more attractive than I do in glasses or whatever, I wear them because the hat I have to wear as part of my uniform causes my glasses to become crooked, and useless, hehe.


Junior Member
I am so glad you asked this question I was wondering the same thing, but I met a sister that wears contacts, so I beleive it's permissible. I beleive colour contacts lenses are a different story, plus I was looking on a website about beautification in Islam and they talk about Khol and sya if you wear contacts to put Khol on first, so that would be assuming contacts are allowed in Islam.

I still prefer not to wear them personally because I have extremely blue eyes and when I'm not wearing glasses I get a lot of attention because of them.


Laser Surgey or Ortho-K????

W-Salam Sister,

There are no Islamic problems with wearing clear prescription contact lenses; but you may have other problems like sensitivity etc.

Have ya'all thought about Laser Surgey or Ortho-K Lenses?

P.S: Still in quarantine!

Salaam alekoum all,

Is there a specific ruling on the permissability of wearing contact lenses?

Just to clarify, I normally wear glasses to correct my eyesight (alhamdulillah, my eyesight is OK, I am just a little shortsighted), but in work I have to wear contacts specifically to see small details from a distance, as required by my job.

I don't wear them out of vanity, to appear more attractive than I do in glasses or whatever, I wear them because the hat I have to wear as part of my uniform causes my glasses to become crooked, and useless, hehe.


Forever Student

I currently wear contacts just because I hate having a piece of metal attached to my face all day... they just get in the way.

So it is permissable to have laser surgery done to correct your vision? I have been looking at getting that surgery just because I have been wearing glasses and contacts for over 16 years now (I'm 24) and I want to be FREE!!! :hijabi: The thing is, it's not like a surgery that I really NEED but more for convenience... that is still permissable?



Laser Surgery & Ortho-K!

Asslamo Allaikum Sister,

Yes the surgery is Islamically permissable, BUT...

I have been looking into it for about 2 years & my humble research has led me to a few facts (summarising without going into technical details):

1) A square is cut open into the top layer of your cornea and laser then shapes your eyeball by shaving it slightly...The Sqaure is then placed back onto the cornea and suction then holds it together...It NEVER heals again!

I have read that this is not a problem

2) If you are near-sighted (problems with distance vision) then Allah (SWT) has protected you from having to wear reading glasses till the average age of 50+. If you get Laser surgery done then you are reducing the age of needing to wear reading glasses because you are taking away the protection (i.e because you are near-sighted)...They try to counter it by NOT giving you perfect-vision but a vision which is legal to drive (or slightly better)

3) There are NO studies to know the long term effects of this; as the newest surgery has only been around for about 5-10 years...With the new one recovery & surgery times are faster.

4) In your case if you have been wearing glasses for so long after surgery you will get headaches and stuff because your eyes are NOT used to such sharp colour & vision...You may have to go back for regular checkups

The newest option on the card is Ortho-K contact lenses which gently shapes your cornea while you are the next day you are without glasses; so its shaping your cornea without the surgery...

Its 1-a-day lense i.e. 1 night of Ortho-K lense would last you 1 day...but in practise I have learned that you can stretch it to 48 hours for 1 night usage.

In the UK they go for about £45/month but in practical use its £45/ 2 months


I currently wear contacts just because I hate having a piece of metal attached to my face all day... they just get in the way.

So it is permissable to have laser surgery done to correct your vision? I have been looking at getting that surgery just because I have been wearing glasses and contacts for over 16 years now (I'm 24) and I want to be FREE!!! :hijabi: The thing is, it's not like a surgery that I really NEED but more for convenience... that is still permissable?
