Snooping your Keyboard through Power Line

Staff member
Power sockets can be used to eavesdrop on what people type on a computer.

Security researchers found that poor shielding on some keyboard cables means useful data can be leaked about each character typed.

By analysing the information leaking onto power circuits, the researchers could see what a target was typing.

The attack has been demonstrated to work at a distance of up to 15m, but refinement may mean it could work over much longer distances.

Hotel attack

"Our goal is to show that information leaks in the most unexpected ways and can be retrieved," wrote Andrea Barisani and Daniele Bianco, of security firm Inverse Path, in a paper describing their work.

The research focussed on the cables used to connect PS/2 keyboards to desktop PCs.

Usefully, said the pair, the six wires inside a PS/2 cable are typically "close to each other and poorly shielded". This means that information travelling along the data wire, when a key is pressed, leaks onto the earth (ground in the US) wire in the same cable.

The earth wire, via the PC's power unit, ultimately connects to the plug in the power socket, and from there information leaks out onto the circuit supplying electricity to a room.

Even better, said the researchers, data travels along PS/2 cables one bit at a time and uses a clock speed far lower than any other PC component. Both these qualities make it easy to pick out voltage changes caused by key presses.

A digital oscilloscope was used to gather data about voltage changes on a power line and filters were used to remove those caused by anything other than the keyboard.

I found it interesting, I thought I should share here...

"The PS/2 signal square wave is preserved with good quality... and can be decoded back to the original keystroke information," wrote the pair in a paper describing their work.

They demonstrated it working over distances of 1, 5, 10 and 15m from a target, far enough to suggest it could work in a hotel or office.

"The test performed in the laboratory represent a worst case scenario for this type of measurement, which along with acceptable results emphasizes the feasibility of the attack on normal conditions," they added.

The pair said their research was "work in progress" and expect the equipment to get more sensitive as it is refined.

The attack is due to be demonstrated at the Black Hat conference that takes place in Las Vegas from 25-30 July.

The Solution is to use USB Keyboard or Laptop with battery while typing.


New Member
Good info - it is also the same with mobile phones, they can be used to transmit signals, including those from near by computers and other misc devices - That is why in certain MOD areas, it is haram to take a phone in with you. being that celular networks can enable the devices (earpiece, mic) at will on any telephone on their network, it is a big threat to security.


Junior Member
We need to be careful about these kind of reports as they make their round on occasion. It is not possible to read the computer signals traveling through a PS/2 keyboard without direct contact. Even with direct contact it takes extremely sophisticated government-level equipment to read the magnetic signals generated by digital pulses through a wire at the voltages used in personal computers. It is actually much easier to install key-stroke loggers or passive listening devices on the networks.


New Member
Actually, I believe it is possible without direct contact using externa antennas :p I work in Internet Security as a penetration testers (legal hacker) so I make it my business to find oiut about these kind of techniques. There was a talk at cansecwest this year about it and the demonstrations were successful "Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards" which was done by researchers at a popular university.


ƒ3!RY $p!r!T
:salam2: Brother,

It says it is "haram", I found it funny, no offence meant...


lol i agree with u brother :D when one reads the line " in mod places it is haram to .." hahhah no offence from me either but it is kinda funny...hahahha
Jazakallah for sharing its very informative.
