Something important I want everyone on TTI to know


Islam is a way of life
Young Brother...We enjoy having you too =)
No one is perfect, we all lose our temper or have disagreements. But we have to be mature to forgive and MOVE ON from such things. More and More, I feel that if we as MUSLIMS do not have each others backs...Who will? We need to stick together, ya'll. Insha Allah!

May you always stay on the straight path and may you see Jannah one day, Ameen.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Bro, I used 'even' because I have, in the past, shown my frustration at them for deleting several of my threads for silly reasons, but I forgive them...

I see, quite like many at TTI. Guess I'm the one who "odd" 'cos I've always found them likeable.

Btw what should a fellow member have to be recognized as a "Sister"? I always thought a double X, and a female in the gender section was enough. But I suppose there's something to be included in how I type?

BaarakAllaahu feek for making me laugh akh. You are an important member for the TTI family. May Allaah bless you.


Junior Member
Walaikum Ssalaam warahmathullaahi Wabarakaathuhu,

Brother Oh ship MaN :)

Yes I have registered that the first time I seen your avatar. See the highlighted part of my message ;)

And thanks for bigger image link.
Jazakallaahu Khairan

Fellow Stranger, fellow Traveller, Oh ship MaN :)

....that Avatar of yours of a ship floating calmly during high tide on full moon day, always tells me how I should treat this journey ie to keep Allah's command at top!... It always has manged to get my attention... So Jazakallahu Khairan!

There is so much to accomplish, So lets keep encouraging, Keep travelling, keep striving, be at peace with purpose of life and please Allah ...

P.S: A Good avatar has positive effect

Brother strive-may-i, you might be even more impressed when you find out that...

... That boat is designed out of the caligraphy of the the phrase 'In the name of Allah...' =bismillah.


wasalam alikom


Junior Member
salam alikom,

I love you all sooooo much... even the mods. :)

You're all so amazing. Thank you for being a part of my life, maybe a very small one, but nevertheless a very significant part to me. I love reading every single thought, and piece of advice on here.

wasalam alikom.

Assalamu alaikum

brother, it's really nice of you if you think like this.:):)

btw i thought guys don't write these emotional things :rolleyes:...........& this post reminds me of sister queenislam.:)