Spelling Reforms


Junior Member
In the modern English language there is a difficulty regarding orthography. The spellings of ME has many irregularities and inconsistencies with pronunciation. Many attempts have been made to reform the orthography. But there are some problems that might be caused by spelling reforms, such as the inability of differenciation between homophones and word meaning.

I've thought of a sollution(even though its not -strictly saying- practical) that wouldn't sacrifice both lexical and phonetic ease.

It is by writing English in Arabic. with the main alphabet the current spelling and the pronunciation in harakats. Those of you who are interested to learning the writing system may PM me.

ظے ماسّاڮرےْ ءۊف مسلم ڤريسۊۧنےرس
ظے أنگلۊ- ﯢ.ﺲ.- إسرائيلي أكـۜيس ڮۊنتينوےْس تـۊُ ماركےت ظے موۧردےرينگْ ءۊف مُسلِم ڮـۜيۏيلياۧنس أۧس ظے رےِسوٰلت ءۊف سېلف- دےفېنسےْ, ثرۊوغْ إيتس مېديا ءۊٰوتلےتس. أني إيمڤارتـۣـيال ءۊٰبسےرۏِينگ ظے ڮارناۧ گـۚےْ إين عِراق, لبنان, أَند نـۊٰۆ إين غزة ۆۊْولْد ڮۊنڮلودےْ ديفّےرےنتلۑ, بےِڮاوسے إيت إيس ءۊٰبۏيۊوس ۄْهۊُ إيس بےِينگ تېرّۊۧرَيسےد أند سلاوغْتےرےد. ناۧ تـۚورالّۑ, ظے گروےْسۊۧمےْ إيِماگـۚےس فرۊم غزة هاۧ ۏےْ ڮاوسےد ظے ءۊرديۧـنارۑ ماۧ سّےس إين أٰلّ ڤارتس ءۊف طے ۄۊۧ رلد تـۊُ تاۧ كےْ تـۊُ ظے سترېّتس أند ڤرۊتېست, طيس إيس ءوٰنڤرېڮـۜےدېنتےد إين ءۊٰور رِےڮـۜےنت هيستـۊۧ رۑ.
Instance words:
ڤےريوسےْ: peruse
The Massacre of the Muslim Prisoners
The Anglo-U.S.-Israeli Axis continues to market the murdering of muslim civilians as the result of self defense, through its media outlets. Any impartial observing the carnage in Iraq, Lebanon, and now in Gaza would conclude differently, because it is obvious who is being terrorized and slaughtered. Naturally, the gruesome images from Gaza havecaused the ordinary masses in all parts og the world to take to the streets and protest, this is unprecedented in our recent history.

So what do you think?
