MaShaAllah! Stories of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam

Fatima Amenda

Junior Member
Suban'Allah I love to hear the stories of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his Companions May Allah Be pleased with them. The warmth, gentleness, honesty and patience of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Passion of Umar May Allah Be pleased with him (and the Sahaba) in this story and many others has me thanking Allah Subana Wa Ta'ala continually for inviting me to be a Muslim and learn how to follow the Islamic way of Life.

"A Jewish man named Zayd bin Sana came to the Prophet of Islam to reclaim a debt. He grabbed the Prophet by his robe and cloak, pulled the Prophet close to his face, and said, 'Muhammad, are you not going to give me my due? You and your clan Banu Muttalib never pay debts on time!' Umar, one of the companions of the Prophet, got agitated and said, 'Enemy of God, am I really hearing what you just said to God's Prophet. I swear by the One who sent him with truth, if I were not afraid that he would blame me, I would have taken my sword and cut your head off!' The Prophet looked calmly at Umar and censured him gently:
"Umar, that is not what we needed to hear from you. You should have counseled me to pay my debts in time and asked him to seek repayment in a respectful manner. Now take him, repay him his debt from my money and give him an extra twenty measures of date."
The Jewish man was so pleasantly surprised by the Prophet's behavior that he immediately declared his acceptance of Islam!"(Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya, Volume 2, p. 310)