Story: How To Get That Perfect Wife


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Khaalid Ibn Safwan saw a group in the masjid of Basrah, and he said, “What is this gathering?

He was told, “There is a woman who informs men about women who are available for marriage.“

He went to her and said, “I want to marry a woman.

She said, “Describe her to me.

So he described her saying, “I want her to be a virgin who is wise like a married woman, or a married woman who is innocent like a virgin; she should be sweet when she is near, splendid when she is at a distance, she should have lived a life of luxury and then became afflicted with poverty – so she has the manners of the rich and the humility of the poor. When we gather wealth, we should be as the people of the world, and when we become poor, we should be as the people of the hereafter.

She said, “I know of such a woman for you.

He said, “And where is she?

She replied, “In Paradise! So work hard to achieve her!

[Taken from 'Gems And Jewels' p. 23]



Yeh hoor-al-ayn, because no woman is perfect in this world, i should know, i am one. I wonder what the equivalent male of hoo-al-ayn is?


Love Fishing

Yeh hoor-al-ayn, because no woman is perfect in this world, i should know, i am one. I wonder what the equivalent male of hoo-al-ayn is?
Yes true Muslim man will get hoor-al-ayn but the solehah woman from dunya/world will be more beautiful than those hoor-al-ayn and she will be the queen.

If a man in dunya can lower his gaze and control his lust...he deserves hoor-al-ayn..As a woman..I do not have problem with this evidence.

Allah knows the best.
Assalamualikum :)


Staff member

Yeh hoor-al-ayn, because no woman is perfect in this world, i should know, i am one. I wonder what the equivalent male of hoo-al-ayn is?

Perhaps, but the hoor al 'ayn don't necessarily possess all the qualities he was describing.

Im not saying Allaah would disappoint any believer who entered Jannah, ofcourse not.

Wa-alaykum salaam


Think for yourself
Salam alaykum

Brother barkaAllahu fiqh.
Very important for us, telling us that Jannah has whatever our soul desider and even more, because we don't know it (Jannah) we haven't seen it.

It would be interesting, if you or anyother brother provide for us, the features of a woman that we can find in earth planet.

Salam alaykum


I'm not what you believe
beautiful story!
so,maybe doesn't it exist the perfect wife in this Dunya?


Assalaam walaikum,

The story is not about perfection but submission and humility i.e. piety.

( i know most people do not read responses)


Perhaps, but the hoor al 'ayn don't necessarily possess all the qualities he was describing.

Im not saying Allaah would disappoint any believer who entered Jannah, ofcourse not.

Wa-alaykum salaam


Maybe Allah Azzawajal will tailor make the hoor-al-ayn according to the persons specifications? could be one hoor will be different to the other according to the persons likes and wishes.


A Muslim
and before we delve into discussion of hoor, i wud like to mention that
Wife of a man wil be more beautifull than hoor of jannah.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member


You know..women like that are not impossible to find in the dunya either..if a man just sets aside desires of *temporary* allure (i.e. age..youth..etc.)..tries to visualize the beauty of the woman's heart (rather than the beauty of her physique)..and picks her strictly based upon the soundness of her deen..her understanding and implementation of it..then he will live with a woman of enchanting beauty..immense wisdom..and incessant love and compassion

Sadly however..many men..still fall prey to the outward deceiving characteristics of a woman..and when things fail and tumble over their heads..they don't blame *their* lack of integrity in making their choice..rather they blame an entire *gender*..claiming that all women are crooked beings who lack every bit of good...and they're the very reason of failure in the sacred union and companionship of marriage regards to the hoor..I am always disturbed by the men who seem to know nothing about jannah but *that* or want nothing from it but *that* if they only want to enter jannah so they can be with a just makes me wonder how much thought or value they have give to the most blessed of rewards for ahlul-jannah...where they are seated in a gathering..for Allah (sobhanaho wa ta'aala) to tell them that He is pleased with them forever..and then He unveils His Face for them to see upon which they will be so amazed that they will forget *the very* pleasures of jannah..which no eye has ear has heard..and no heart has imagined!

A little *shuffle* in what we (this time I say *we* I include the sisters as well)..desire *from entering* jannah..can really change our perspective on this dunya and what we do in it..because after all..aren't we working towards reaching ihsan in our worship to Allah so we may earn His Favor and be near to Him?!!!..then why should we worry about the creatures..when we're only seeking The Creator?!!! (....just a little something to think about for the day..hopefully..Inshallah)



A Muslim
"You know..women like that are not impossible to find in the dunya either..if a man just sets aside desires of *temporary* allure (i.e. age..youth..etc.)..tries to visualize the beauty of the woman's heart (rather than the beauty of her physique)..and picks her strictly based upon the soundness of her deen..her understanding and implementation of it..then he will live with a woman of enchanting beauty..immense wisdom..and incessant love and compassion

This is not possible practically as a beauty is in our nature and attraction is natural. No on can merry a partner to whome he or she finds totally unattractive. Both things goes together and both SHUD go together as we are humanbeings and not programmatic ROBOTS.

Hoor are just one of those blessings of ALLAH, in jannah. Not a single man on earth wants to enter jannah only for hoor.

"adly however..many men..still fall prey to the outward deceiving characteristics of a woman..and when things fail and tumble over their heads..they don't blame *their* lack of integrity in making their choice..rather they blame an entire *gender*..claiming that all women are crooked beings who lack every bit of good...and they're the very reason of failure in the sacred union and companionship of marriage "

This can also happen between those who follow complete deen and get married on based of criteria which u have mentioned above i.e. TOTAL WATCHING DEEN in othe gender.
Marraiges can fail not only if any one or both of them are not good but also they fail when they dont have same mental level. I know many stories of brother and sisters who are very islamic and yet they didnt go along well.

Its all about being humble and flexible rather than just being "islamic", which we see only in prayers , jannah, ramadan and Quraan. We dont know other aspects of islam. We really dont


A Muslim

Maybe I should sit down and try writing again.. about the perfect husband.


and this list wud never end.. wud it? :)

it will always kept on scrolling and scrolling and if someone diverts a little from that long list, its not a perfect husband .. haha..

women are such a difficult specie to handle

kidding :)


Junior Member

I agree with Gernada1492. To me also the outside apperance is important and I don´t deny that.

If all men would have such high expectations from a woman then many women would remain singles forever... lol....

ok I was exagerating it is ok to have high expectations from a future spouse but one should also be able to forgive.

if the souls does not match with eachother than both can be attracted from eachother and both can be very religious and wise and it still will not work!

the marriage between Zainab bint Ghas (raa) and the sahaba Zaid (ra) was divorced! and both of them was firm in deen...
