Story: How To Get That Perfect Wife


Junior Member

There was a man in China who was using a stout stick with pots hanging on its both ends to transport water from the vally to his house.

One of the pots was a little broken on one side and the otherone was impeccable.. and everytime the "perfect" pot managed to carry all the water,the man filled in, to his home whereas the other pot was just bringing the half of the water because of it´s failing... And so two years went by.

The "impeccable" pot was very proud for doing it´s "job" in a perfect way and the poor broken pot was ashamed and sad because of it´s defect that hindered him to arrieve without loosing the half of the water on the way to home ...

Once he said to the man "I´m so ashamed cuz I can not manage to bring all the water home . I think I don´t do my job well..." than the man smiled and pointed do the side where the broken pot always passed away and said: "have you not seen the flowers which flourish in every couler and beauty..? it is because of your failure... Now look at the side of the ideal pot there you can´t see anything... I knew from the start your failure and that´s why I planted seeds to where your side is and everyday when I was on my way to bring water from the valley to home you moulded them. If you would be perfect I coldn´t use this flowers to beautify the way and my home..."



A Muslim
WOWW!!! subhanALLAH

its sooo lovely... Everything in this world has a purpose...

i dont find any turks here in my place ;)

This media is creating such hype that everyone shud be perfect in his/her looks. EVERY SINGLE thing shud be perfect. That is why, its hard to get married these days . My cousin's marriage has been finalized and her mom said, he was having hard time choosing any girl.. he kept on rejecting n rejecting..

im gona meet him today and might ask more from him ;)


There was a man in China who was using a stout stick with pots hanging on its both ends to transport water from the vally to his house.

One of the pots was a little broken on one side and the otherone was impeccable.. and everytime the "perfect" pot managed to carry all the water,the man filled in, to his home whereas the other pot was just bringing the half of the water because of it´s failing... And so two years went by.

The "impeccable" pot was very proud for doing it´s "job" in a perfect way and the poor broken pot was ashamed and sad because of it´s defect that hindered him to arrieve without loosing the half of the water on the way to home ...

Once he said to the man "I´m so ashamed cuz I can not manage to bring all the water home . I think I don´t do my job well..." than the man smiled and pointed do the side where the broken pot always passed away and said: "have you not seen the flowers which flourish in every couler and beauty..? it is because of your failure... Now look at the side of the ideal pot there you can´t see anything... I knew from the start your failure and that´s why I planted seeds to where your side is and everyday when I was on my way to bring water from the valley to home you moulded them. If you would be perfect I coldn´t use this flowers to beautify the way and my home..."



I'm not what you believe
if each man looked in front of him,instead of turning his sight to every beauty woman,maybe he would found sooner his half-part.
it were other times,there were more good principles than now.


make dua 4 ma finals
Khaalid Ibn Safwan saw a group in the masjid of Basrah, and he said, “What is this gathering?

He was told, “There is a woman who informs men about women who are available for marriage.“

He went to her and said, “I want to marry a woman.

She said, “Describe her to me.

So he described her saying, “I want her to be a virgin who is wise like a married woman, or a married woman who is innocent like a virgin; she should be sweet when she is near, splendid when she is at a distance, she should have lived a life of luxury and then became afflicted with poverty – so she has the manners of the rich and the humility of the poor. When we gather wealth, we should be as the people of the world, and when we become poor, we should be as the people of the hereafter.

She said, “I know of such a woman for you.

He said, “And where is she?

She replied, “In Paradise! So work hard to achieve her!

[Taken from 'Gems And Jewels' p. 23]

ok, I am not trying to "debate here" but looking deeply into the story. It does not make sense to me :confused:
here is why.....she describes the women in Dunya and the says "she is in paradise! Considering the hoor al-ayn......I believe they dont have qualities of the believing women. I have bolded the part where he describes his future wife to have lived a luxurious life and then become question is how can such woman be a hoor? since the Hoor have not been to the dunya??? so they have not tested "poorness or richness" hmmm....and they were created in paradise and remain there?? this is why I am saying this story is super confusing or maybe I am analyzing it too much :shymuslima1:
Anywho....I am pretty sure there are sisters like that out there, the brothers should look harder inshaAllaah.
that was just my two cents....


New Member
Staff member
if each man looked in front of him,instead of turning his sight to every beauty woman,maybe he would found sooner his half-part.
it were other times,there were more good principles than now.

Salamu alaykum




Pearl of Islaam
Assalmau allaicum wa raahmatullah wa barakatuhu

SubhanAllah, Allahu Akbar! I only wish to say that I think there is no perfect man or women on Earth, but Allah is The Most Mercyfull and Islam is teaching us that if Muslim man and women behave with Allahs Orders and gudiance they can be perfect because they are trying to keep thier soul clean,and noone is perfect except Allah, not on this world,not on onother too Inshallah.And who should be hoor for one Muslim husband??? It should be his wife, Inshallah.

And if I can also say, that this story should refrain on Muslim husband too. :shymuslima1:

May Allah forgive me if I said something wrong.



ok, I am not trying to "debate here" but looking deeply into the story. It does not make sense to me :confused:
here is why.....she describes the women in Dunya and the says "she is in paradise! Considering the hoor al-ayn......I believe they dont have qualities of the believing women. I have bolded the part where he describes his future wife to have lived a luxurious life and then become question is how can such woman be a hoor? since the Hoor have not been to the dunya??? so they have not tested "poorness or richness" hmmm....and they were created in paradise and remain there?? this is why I am saying this story is super confusing or maybe I am analyzing it too much :shymuslima1:
Anywho....I am pretty sure there are sisters like that out there, the brothers should look harder inshaAllaah.
that was just my two cents....


Sister i think what was meant by 'she's in paradise' is the idea of perfection. This's a quality which can never be found in a human being.

ya allah madad


Sister i think what was meant by 'she's in paradise' is the idea of perfection. This's a quality which can never be found in a human being.

marriage is not based on perfection but understanding and compromise.
those who wait for the perfect they always wait and dont get any.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
maa shaa Allaah... I never realised how many replies this thread got

:salam2: brother,

Can you post the threads related to brothers (such as this one) in the 'Brothers only' subforum ? It would be easier for someone to retrieve the thread later as well as the thread deals with advise for brothers.

BarakAllahu Feek.