Story of a friend


Junior Member
Asalamu alykum brothers and sisters. I am just want to share a story of a friend of mine whi os a hafiz of quran and around 8 yrs ago a women approached him on the street in nyc and asked if he was a muslim and if he is then cud he tell her more about islam to her,which he did by sending her some islamic literature. Soon se converted to islam from judism. Her family disowned her and kicked her out. She came back to my friend and asked him to marry him, which he did for the sake of allah. They had 3 kids together and she was a grt wife to him as well as remain a true muslim by even doing full hijab.then couple of months ago my friend went to his home country for a week to see his ailing mother and whne he came back he was stunned to find her family was all around her and they had used propaganda videos and literature to entice her back to judiasm and even accuse him of beating her which he never did. I have met her and she was like a symbol of what a good muslimah is like . We r all sstunned at this situation. Anyway my request to you guys especially to converts is that be sure what you r reading or seeing in the news and know that few bad muslims don't represent islam. And I ask you to pray for my friend and ask allah that he may guide his wife back to islam. Ameen


No worry, say Mashallah

Don't worry, returning back to Judaism does not mean reverting back. Islam will have an everlasting impact on her mind. Sooner or later She would realize. May ALlah give patience to your friend. May Allah protect us from those people.


Junior Member
She will be back Inshallah!!AMeen

Assalaamalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuu,

Brother zbhotto is right, Islam will have an everlasting effect on her no matter wherever she goes and Inshallah Allah Subhanawata'la will guide her to the right path and grant us all jannatulfirdous in the hereafter.Ameen Ya Mujeeb,Ameen Ya Rahmaan,Ameen Ya Raheem,Ameen Ya Allah AMeen.

Wassalaamalikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuu.


Junior Member
salam alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

may Allah subhanahu wa ta'a'ala guide her (and keep all muslims) to (in)the right path.
don't worry Allah is here
salam alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

Amina 1

Junior Member
i dont understand people convert for God or people?

Assalam Alaikum

I do not understand either if she had really reverted there is no way they would have been able to talk her into changing her mind. I will pray that Allah may guide her and if she is not the one for your friend may Allah give him someone better:tti_sister: