studing in canada


New Member
assalamoalikom i'm a moroccan girl and i want to continu my studies in canada inshalah .i want to know if i can studie there even if i'm wearing khimar(a long hijab)o wearing niqab ,and do i will have difficulties there?
if someone live there i ask him or her to help me .and thanks for all:shake:


Servant of Allah
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

Well.. like any Western country you might find different reactions, depending on what area you are in. There is a large Muslim population in Ontario .. which is where I am.. and so far have not had any problems.. alhumduliLlah. Even though I live on the outskirts (of the main city).. where you don't find many Muslims wearing niqaab.. so people just look... my dawaah :D

Email ([email protected]) me if you have any further questions, and insha'Allah I'll try my best to help you out where I can.

Wa'alaykum as-salaam