

Slave of Allah (swt)
:salam2: brothers and sisters
I want to share with everyone something that happened to me this past friday

Like usual i was coming back from university, when suddenly comeon confronted me with a hug. little shocked I looked and coudn't recognize the person, after some introduction i recognized him, he was one of the persons i knew from high school It had been 3 years since i met him.

I never really liked this guy, he was a disgrace to muslims, said Wallah to like everything, people had started to mistrust everyone who said wallah cuz this guy would lie with it. He was big and huge and would bully people, but mostly i didn't like him cuz he was a muslim only by name and gave everyone bad impression of what muslims are, one thing that really made me dislike him was, he once used swear words with Quran (naozubillah) which made me really angry and i pointed it out to him and had a small arguement but i decided to ignore him andmove on and leave things to Allah (swt).
ANywayz with him was another guy, his name was chris, knew him in high school as well, a skateboarder kinda guy, used to hang out with Ali alot, Not sure but i think they used to do drugs too, but this chris guy would always swear and well overall not a good boy, I dont want to say things things about him that i only heard and never really saw since i totally ignored him and ali in my high school.
So i was not so excited to see them just was being polite, so i started to talk with Ali and was amazed to see how in our conversation there was no swearing, Ali was really polite this time, no rough attitude very smooth and nice, it came to me as a surprise so i asked him Where you guyz coming from (since we were in the bus), and his answer was Mosque, kinda surprising but he is a muslim so i thought oh well ALhumdulilah he went to the mosque. So after sometime , i cudn't resist asking him why is chris wearing a topi (muslim hat that guyz wear), and to my astonishment he told me his name was Mustafa now, and im not sure why he said he reverted cuz i would think he converted but I didn't want to correct him. But Subhanallah, Ali told me chris became a really gud muslim and he showed Ali the true Islam as well, and mashallah they both were practicing muslims now. It made me really happy :) kinda made my day, I didn't have time to ask alot of questions since i had to get off soon and the whole day i was so astonished and thinking Allah (swt) can show anyone guidance, he is so forgiving and merciful, this guy used to disgrace muslims and now he might be one of the really gud muslims himself and I guess what i want to say it ... dont pass judgements or give up like i did in high school to those people or muslims, Allah (swt) can show everyone the right path, and when we feel like there is no hope for someone,there is always mercy from Allah swt.
aslam o alikum

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum

well because he reverted back to his deen of firtah
every person is born in deen of fitrah ( Islam )..
and its our parents they make us hindu , chritian or jew ,
so when some one embracess islam its better to say he reverted back to his orignial deen , so acutally he/she reverts not converts .
i hope thats enough or want more ??


Slave of Allah (swt)
Asalam o Alykum

well because he reverted back to his deen of firtah
every person is born in deen of fitrah ( Islam )..
and its our parents they make us hindu , chritian or jew ,
so when some one embracess islam its better to say he reverted back to his orignial deen , so acutally her reverts not converts .
i hope thats enough or want more ??
thank you brother suhail :) i understand now


Junior Member

wow thanks for sharing. great storry ,teaching us not to look down at people cuz only Allah knows best...



Junior Member

These are not stories. Incidents are created by Allaah so that we can always remember Him and thank Him for His mercy on us.

Allaahu Akbar.
