

passion for Islam
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Asalam Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu:

So most of us here are happy to be muslim and care about our faith right? well do any of you guys ever really think deeply about what an amzaing gift it is to be muslim?
LAtely Ive been gut wrenchingly overcome with emotion everyday when Allah comes to my mind! my whole body will just quake with emotion and I cry when I begin to think about Allahs mercy and the gift of Islam. Maybe because Im a convert these feelings are even more intense for me because I had to FIGHT SO HARD at such a young age just to be able to practice islam. i was only 15 when i converted, and living in a small town with no muslims. i barely knew anything about islam but had a gut feeling it was truth- i just found an islamic nasheed in english online by chance and was blown away!! subhan Allah

After converting over the phone with an imam in another city,my family promptly cut off my internet access because they were horrified id converted to islam and wanted to prevent me from learning anything more. time went by and sadness overcame me, many fights about religion. finally i left home at 17and moved to another city on my own, quit high school and started working full time and wearing hijab and studying islam with the limited resources i could find,though when i finally met muslims i was dissapointed in the way they acted-many dont follow islam and dont care to speak to converts much. thank god i found islam before i met muslims!finally at 18 i got my GED, got married and was further guided in islam by my husband Alhamdulilah.

now asi learn more and more every day about islam, i am further convinced that nothing is more important than following Allahs commandments-not even the approval of my family is more important than that. i keep reminding myself why I gave up so much just to be a was all worth it.
Born muslims-bethankful for the ease Allah created for you in following Islam, many have to give away everything they love, and destroy close family relationships to be able to practice islam! Thank Allah (swt) for everything everyday! We are all so lucky to be muslims- never take that for granted my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah guide us all.

your sister in Islam,


Junior Member
salam alikoum sister,
thanks to allah swt who guided you to islam, yes you are right, we do not feel the value of allah's mercies untill they are taken from us, it is like health....
we, the born muslims do not recognise this mercy until you read stories like yours...
yes, it is very important to know and discover islam before knowing those who hold the title of islam, otherwise none will become a muslim.
may allah keep you on the right path and grant you a happy life with your husband and children, ameen
wa salam alikoum

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister Angelica,

Wish you and your family in the best of health and imann always :)

Alhamdulillah...SubhanaAllah...It sure is the best give ever - to be a Muslimah and to worship Allaah subhanahu wa taala. Indeed I can see that Allaah was with you all this while since u reverted until He gave u a nice husband. SubhanaAllaah!

Alhamdulillah for every single thing in this world. And thank you for the reminder, sis.

I would like to share an ayah:
"O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger :saw2: he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e he will be saved from the Hell-Fire and made enter Paradise." Al-Ahzab,33:70-71

Dont forget to make duaa' for the best to our Ummah. May Allaah let us meet each other in His blissful Jannah someday...InshaAllaah.

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah


Junior Member
Angelica, i had a shiver after reading your post- alhamdulilah your situation is improved and that you wear hijab, im so happy for you :)

actually i have had the same feelings as you, more so recently as i have been listening to CDs on the day of judgement, hell-fire and jannah. i dont think we fully comprehend how lucky we are to be Muslims- honestly no matter how tough life gets, no matter what life throws at us, we are so lucky, in that eventually we will enter Jannah (inshaAllah). what is 60 or 70 years here compared to the eternal happiness in Paradise? likewise, if we fully perceived the horrors of the day of judgement and hell, we would never commit sins.

Allah save us ya Rubb


passion for Islam
subhan Allah you are absolutely right sister! this life is nothing compared to the hereafter and remembering that is our key to really giving our all in all to worshipping Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala. Im so thankful that Allah has guided me to islam and has made things easier for me.the passion I have for Islam is indescribable and the greatest gift i could wish for Alkhamdulilah. Allah has increased my Iman so much so that i now wear full niqab and try to follow every other sunnah that i possibly can. Alhamdulilahhi rabbil alameen


Junior Member
subhan Allah you are absolutely right sister! this life is nothing compared to the hereafter and remembering that is our key to really giving our all in all to worshipping Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala. Im so thankful that Allah has guided me to islam and has made things easier for me.the passion I have for Islam is indescribable and the greatest gift i could wish for Alkhamdulilah. Allah has increased my Iman so much so that i now wear full niqab and try to follow every other sunnah that i possibly can. Alhamdulilahhi rabbil alameen

MashaAllah, im so happy for you sister- May Allah use you to proagate this beautiful faith and strenghten you further. Indeed, Islam is the greatest gift- however, sadly, many born Muslims can not appreciate this gift, not do they understand that this is the greatest blessing given to them. Allah selected us, from not millions, but billions. he further selected us by making us amoung those who pray and wear Hijab alhamdulilah. the fact that He guided you and at such a young age, indicates that this is no coincidence or random events, but rather due to His love for you.

I wanted to share something with you: When people in paradise look up to the higher levels (i.e those people who are in the higher ranks and levels in paradise) it will be like looking up to the stars (in comparison). imagine: the stars are light years away, although light travels at 3000 km/second, it still takes light many years to reach us - so imagine those people who are in higher rankings- just like the stars, thats how greater their position and happiness will be in comparison to the lower levels. that really made me think, gosh this life isnt really worth compromising our position in Paradise, is it? also the comparison of one level to the next level is paradise is like a ring in a desert and so on and so forth. it makes me think, id rather struggle now and work hard inshaAllah, then enjoy paradise as a pay-off. May Allah grant us the ability to work hard and do good in this life ameen.