suicide bombing facts


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The book namely' DYING TO WIN the strategic logic of suicide terrorism ' is written by ROBERT PAPE, professor of internatinal security afffairs, chicago university..In his book he studies 402 cases of suicide bombings spanning a period from1980 to 2006. And his observations and findings on the matter are....
the first place for suicide bombing goes to Tamil tigers of Srilanka, who are Hindus by faith. they killed Rajiv gandhi,Premadasa, dissanaike, all were former prime ministers, killed ranjan vijeratne, defence minister, an attempt was made on the life of chandrika Kumaretunge..LTTE themselves admit these and another 147 bombings since 1987, in a statement published from their Headquarters.
And analysing the bombings in srilanka, chechnyia, Kashmir, Westbank, Pape is of the view that the suicide bombing is a strategy by natives to resist the the occupation by foriegn military and nothing to do with islamic fundamentalism. the increased presence of western forces in the arabian peninsula may increase the cases of suicide bombing thats what Pape says.

The suicide bombing seems to end once the invading force departs, for example, there were 41 cases of suicide bimbing in Lebenon frrom 1982 to 1986 as the land was occupied by french, Israel and US military, once the invaders left, bombing also stopped. Hizbulla ended suicide bombing in 2000 after Israel withdrew from South Lebanon..
Of the suicide bombing instances in Lebanon in the 80s, only 8 cases were blamed on islamic fundamentalists.27 cases were done by communists and 3 by christian groups, Pape says and religious beliefe has very little role in this matter. Two third instances of all suicide bombings took place between 1995 to 2007 is from regions occupied by American military, says Pape. If islamic fundamentalism is the reason behind bombings then there would have been more suiciders from Iran than from iraq and sudan shelted Bin laden for three years but did not produce any bombers and there was not a single case of suicide bombing in iraq history prior to the American occupation.After occupation 20 bombing cases happened in 2003, 48 in 2004, and 50 in the first five months of 2005 Pape observes. studying the bombings took place from 1980 to 2001, Pape infers that 95% of them were due to political reasons and motovations and not due to islamic fundamentalism.

Let us accept the truth and restrain from deliberately tarnishing islam and muslim world for political and business reasons