

Staff member

Well i have never read Tahajjud, but after having a thorough look through the site and articles, i really want to start praying Tahajjud, but i was curious on how many members actual pray Tahajjud and does it affect their day, as in tiredness, silly mistakes etc.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
The best way to perform Tahajjud is when you can't sleep during the night. Or if you wake up in the middle of the night for any reason, it's best to get out of bed and perform Tahajjud. Or if your awake but your body wants to doze off or doesn't want to get up; scream (not literally, but mentally) "Azu Billah He Menash Shaitaan Niragim! "

"Oh Allah, I seek your refuge from the accursed devil (Iblees)."

And then leep out of bed and you'll feel wide awake for Tahajjud. Then you might be happy and glorify Allah by saying Allahu Akbar! or Subhannallah or Alhamdullillah.

This technique also works for Fajr, and I kind of got tyhis idea from Sheik Muhammad Alshareef when he explained how to get up for Fajr.
You can also save your Witr salat from Ishaa and do it during Tahajjud.
Our Rasoolullah (SAW) said, "Whoever does Salat in my Masjid (Al Nabawi, Medianh) will recieve 10,000 times of a greater reward than that at home (or in Jamaat), and then 100,000 more if they do Salat in Masjid Haram, and 1,000,000 times in the Battlefeild! Subhannallah! But what is greater than these is doing a two Rakat Salat in the middle of Salat.
There's more info from here:

You just have to read more on the Second page and then there's a link about Tahajjud Salat.

I remember the first time I did Tahajjud was when I saw this movie:


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
I always make intentions to wake up for Tahajjud, but sometomes I can't wake up until sunrise breaks, and I don't have an alarm so I keep my trust in Allah and I have hope that Allah will have me to worship him during night when everyone else is sleeping in my house and my neighborhood.

If you make intentions but you couldn't wake up for Fajr (from alarm clocks delaying or sleeping too deeply) then he will get an award like that if he actually did Tahajjud Salat. Subhannallah Allah is the greatest and kindest.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
And Inshallah If Allah wills he will make us who want to strive in in his path to be able to wake up for Tahajjud. Ameen.


Staff member
Thank You brother for the great advice and link, but one thing im slightly
confused about one thing, can i read Isha (inc Witr), and for example go to bed and inshallah lets say wake up at 02.00am and pray Tahajjud, or pray Tahajjud 30mins - 1hr before Fajr's start time.

That was great advice on screaming "Azu Billah He Menash Shaitaan Niragim! mentally, inshallah i cant wait for tonight to pray Tahajjud, im getting this like weird buzz/feeling, it feels great and i cant stop thinking about it.


umm ayub

New Member
an excellent talk that will turn ur life around.

1) SubhanAllah praying tahajudd is such an honour for those who can wake up and pray it,

This talk changed my life, Alhamdulilah. Its by Muhammed Al Shareef.
It talks about sunnah of sleeping, witr, isha, fajr and tahajjud and more in a space of 1 hour and ten minutes! Alhamdulilah

pls click to open the page and listen inshaAllah mashaAllah this brother is sooo Blessed.


2) to answer ur question about witr before sleeping, pls refer to the link below:



May Allah make us amongst those who stand up in the dark of the night, firm in worship to our Lord and May He make us amongst the muhsineen and the mutaqqeen.Ameen

wasalaamu alaikum wrahmatulahi wabarakatuh

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Eyakum sister. And it's best to hold the Witr Salat till Tahajjud if you are certain about doing Tahajjud. And if you sleep thru the night, then you can make up the Witr Salat and Allah shall reward you for making itentions to strive for him Inshallah.

And Tahajjud is the night salat, and it's a Sunnat Salat becuase our Rasoolullah (SAW) used to spend his whole night in Tahajjud. So it's okay to do Tahajjud even when it's Fajr time.

It's nice that your taking my advice sister becuase it always works for me! :) But remeber just don't literally scream or you'll wake everybody up lol. ;) But that can aslo be a good thing. Like if your body is dirty and you perform Ablution, then your sins will be forgiven, and if it gets dirty again, soon enough your all the Muslims in your town will have their sins forgiven.


Staff member
Lol it actually got a little chuckle out of me, nothing to worry about.

Thank you for your advice, but i think today i will pray Witr, go to bed (which i doubt i will be able to because i really cant wait to pray Tahajjud :) )


Thank you also to umm ayub, the second link was very useful, the only trouble with the first link is that when it plays, its like playing it two times, if that makes sense, for example it starts to play and then it starts again, so its running two times (dont know whether that makes sense). Apologies as well as i dont whether your a brother or sister :eek:


umm ayub

New Member
new link

ALhamdulilah, no problem.
Maybe u opened the page twice..?
or try this again:


or (right click the link below and choose "Save As" to download it)


ps- Umm 'x' means mother of 'x' or Abu 'x' means Father of 'x' it is known as kuniya....for more info read below.


it is a confirmed sunnah, as Aisha RA was encouraged to keep one by the Prophet (saws) even though she didnt have kids..
What an easy sunnah to practice..alhamdulilah


Staff member
Bit of confusion here, i know your a male, Brother Abdul Hasib, i was referring to umm ayub.

Thanks for all the advice and help, i will remeber you both in Tahajjud inshallah if i stay awake, but i am going to try, as i will be reading the Quran after Isha, as i usually do, so that should inshallah keep me awake.


EDIT: Forgot to mention thanks for the link to Islam QA, that is a fantastic site, many questions and many answers :), Also the download link worked, it wasn't that i was opening it twice, it was just playing it twice, im using Firefox.




Staff member
Well Alhamdulilah i woke up to read Tahajjud, just thought i would post to say i did wake up, and Alhamdulilah it feels very good. Now im justing waiting for Fajr, but im may go and read another 2 - 4 Rakats. And also i thought i would mention i also read Surat-Ya-Sin, but which way around is better before Fajr, which i have done or after.

Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah



Tamed Brother

We have great Muslims around us who offer Tahajjud also. Specially my precious brother Abdul Hasib (yoohooo there ! :SMILY259: ).

Just needed to say that 'umm ayub' means 'mother of ayub'. umm=mother.
Abdul is always used for male Muslims as you know.

And please pray for increase in my faith also. :redface:


Lol it actually got a little chuckle out of me, nothing to worry about.

Thank you for your advice, but i think today i will pray Witr, go to bed (which i doubt i will be able to because i really cant wait to pray Tahajjud :) )


Thank you also to umm ayub, the second link was very useful, the only trouble with the first link is that when it plays, its like playing it two times, if that makes sense, for example it starts to play and then it starts again, so its running two times (dont know whether that makes sense). Apologies as well as i dont whether your a brother or sister :eek:



Staff member
I just reliased, so instead of putting umm ayub, ill say THANKS sister.

Inshallah i will try and remember you all in my dua, so you increase in your faith.

Inshallah we will stay on the Siraatul Mustaqeem


Staff member
I had to post this, thanks to the sister for giving me the link to the talk Muhammad-Al-Shareef (Does Allah love us).

After to listening to some of it, the speaker says to gain Allah's (S.W.T) love that we should take advantage of the third portion of the night and pray Tahajjud, as Allah (S.W.T) comes down to the duniya and Allah (S.W.T) calls out to the duniya and calls out to the people, is there anyone who makes Dua so that i accept the dua, is there anyone asking for forgiveness so that i forgive them.

Alhamdulilah this should be enough for a brother and sister to wake up, Inshallah i cant tell you enough how this hit me and now i Inshallah i am going to wake up for Tahajjud everytime INSHALLAH. Inshallah you all will wake up.

The main reason i posted was because i thought it was a bad thing not to share my experience with you and Inshallah you will read this and start to wake up for Tahajjud.




New Member
Salamu alaykum Warahmatullah

Alhamdulilah, the night prayer itself is a ni'mah to perfor. The salaf had many saying bout it and the reasons why one might not be able to get up, here are some,

Al-Hasan al-Basri was once asked: "Why is it that we cannot uphold prayers at night?" He answered: "You are shackled in your own sins".

Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Ayaad said: “If you cannot pray qiyaam al-layl, or fast during the day, know that you are indeed deprived and restricted, chained by your sins.”

A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri: “”O Abu Sa’eed, I sleep in good health, and I love to pray qiyaam al-layl, and I prepare water with which to purify myself, so why can I not get up?” Al-Hasan said: “Your sins are restricting you.” He said, may Allaah have mercy on him, “The slave who commits a sin will be denied the opportunity to pray qiyaam at night and to fast during the day.”

A man said to Ibraaheem ibn Adham, “I cannot pray qiyaam al-layl, so tell me the cure for this.” He said, “Do not commit sin during the day, and He will help you to stand before Him at night, for your standing before Him at night is one of the greatest honours, and the sinner does not deserve that honour.”


Staff member
That relates to another thread, i think it was "how to improve my memory" and either a brother or sister posted do not sin. Mashallah that was beautiful, Inshallah i will try and Inshallah others will try and not commit sin.

Also i thought i should post this as well, when your waiting at the bus stop, on the bus, walking and doing nothing lets say, remember Allah (S.W.T), i am going to start doing this tomorrow, i know this has been reiterated many times but i thought i should say as well, but Alhamdulilah i will now remember Allah (S.W.T) when i normally would not, for example the bus stop/

Alhamdulilah its so beautiful. Inshallah I and others will wake up tomorrow morning for Tahajjud, and remember Inshallah if Allah (S.W.T) wills, i will be thinking of the other members that are awake with me Inshallah and praying.

