Terrifying visions


New Member
Assalaam alaikom wrwb,

Dear bros n sis,
I hav a strange situation here, it goes like..

I hav a frend, who is lately been havin very horrific visions. Its like, she's awake but dreaming.
The first incident she told me abt is, she was studyin in her room n all of a sudden she hears honey bees "bzz-ing" around her window, they were lots.. She got scared to see such a thing, cuz in that area, there aren't any honey bees within miles of that area. The next thing is, they disappear within the blink of the eyes.

Right after an hour, she recieved a phone call from a relative saying her uncle had a heart attack.

Basically, she's been havin such strange n terrifying visions before receivin a bad news.

She's very stressed out n can't concentrate on her studies. Yes, she's a muslimah.

What do i suggest her?

Jazakom allah khair!


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
I think the problem here is that the sister is *giving-in* to these "visions"..whether they are mere coincidence or a de facto..Allah Knows..the point is..she cannot do that to *herself* and consider them a chance to develop an internal strength..when things of the sort you mentioned take place..she should ALWAYS remember to say *ao'otho billahi min asshaitani arrajeem* (I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaitan)..then say *bism illahi arrahman arraheem* (In the name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate)..then make dhikr..say *la ilaha illa allah*..or *allaho akbar*..over and over until she calms down..if she can have the time to make wudu'u and read some Qura'an..all the better...I understand the distress she might be going through..but sobhanallah..in situations like that 90% of the distress is *self-afflicted*..if she takes the time to remember Allah..she will rid herself of any and all fears :)



New Member
Thanks a lot sister! :D

Well, i already suggested to her to remain in the state of ablution at all possible times and read/recite Ayat-al-kursi or Qur'an or pray nawafil and seek guidance from Allah.

Thanks, jazak allah khair :D

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
i really don't know what to say!! umm, ya, say her to be calm, or say her to go and show it to the imam, are else you make her comfort, stay with her ...first of all, this sometimes happens to me also..but i guess Allah is saying me or showing me something, that i want to know...once what happen we all had come to India, for occasions, and tomorrow morning we had to leave to Saudi Arabia...and Allah stopped us from going tomorrow..and that night my mother had a terrific dream, that somewhere from up, a pot comes and fall down , and the pot becomes into pieces....then that following morning, Saudi airlines(plane of Saudi) crashed and became into pieces, as the pot had become in my mothers dream......you know like Allah saves us ....