Test of faith


New Member
On Oct.-31-05 I became a new convert to Islam",accidently" at a time in history when Islam seems to be on trial and myself included for making that choice. I lost credebility with family and friends they think I've lost my mind .......sometimes I question my decision, but late at night as Iay myself to sleep, I have the swweetesst dream that whispers in my ear "Yes you made the right decision" I am now in heaven seventh in delight where the light is sparkling brilliant ...no more doubts no more shadows.

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Alsalam alaykum Wa'Rahmatuhllahi Wa'Barakatuh

wellcome sister in Allah / Sheba77

Alhamdulillah for blessing islam....

gazakum Allah khyran 4 ur nice word

....more wisdom words from good muslimah....

masha` Allah...that is islam....Real Happiness and Inner Peace ...

Hope you benefit greatly from this forum and increase ur faith in Allah ...

insha` Allah...

<wasalam Alaykum>
Asslamo Alaikoum sister
Lhamdo li Allah today you believe in one God and you are muslimah.
May Allah help you and give you more happiness :).
Also may Allah help your family and your friends.


Junior Member
test of faith

assalam alaikum, I to am a convert to islam. I've been muslim 5 years now, alhumdulillah. My family wasn't happy with me either when I became muslim, they thought I was ruining my life. For a while my sister and mom didn't really speak to me. It was difficult but I just kept telling myself to have patience and insha'Allah things will change and alhumdulillah we are closer now more then ever. They saw that since I became muslim I became a better person and was happier. Insha'Allah your family will change and just remember, Allah(SWT) says, "after every hardship comes ease", and Allah(SWT) doesn't place any burden on us greater than we have strengh to bear.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum



Welcome to the website!!:bananabb2in:

:ma: I think you have made the right choice of embracing Islam and coming to deen.
