the arabs will never win any war in their current state


Junior Member
Looking at the current state of events, I am saddened, appaled and baffled.
I am an Arab and looking at the conduct and behaviour pattern of the arabs that I know and meet including my own family members made me conclude that we will never win any war. Our beloved Prophet Mohammed:saw: has shown us many examples of how to conduct ourselves and how to go to war, how to motivate people; basically by motivating your own family and children first and then there will be a snowballing effect. We don't follow these examples.
The Arabs must think like a Muslim first; then only can they act like one. Far too often the Arabs are still tribal in nature and Jahiliyah in action.
It is still common in this day and age to prefer marriage within a tribe, failing which within a state failing which within a country. So the man could have been educated in London and might have lived and worked there for say 10 years and he will be made to marry someone from his native land who would have trouble adjusting to his environment. This leads to alot of abuse and friction; eventually divorce.
Arabs treatment of women in general remains very close to Jahiliyah, hence there is no barakah to all the wealth that has been accumulated through our natural resources.
Generally they have a "good" arab/muslim wife and then have a string of women thereafter hence exposing their own families to diseases and unhappines.
I have used the above examples as it is the most apparent and is one of the main point of contention by the infidels to attack Muslims and Islam and prove to the world what a horrible religion Islam is. Islam is like the perfect Operating System(OS) with its own hackers, new learners, lazy learners, ignorant s who constantly complain that it is a bad OS when they have not taken the time to learn it in its completeness etc.
This is not attack, this is an appeal from one arab to all arabs and muslims in general. Allah swt has given the men a measure of authority so that he may lead his family, his community, his country his fellow ummah. He is the Khalifah, only a man can be an Imam in a congregation of men and women. Sufficient evidence that Allah has ordained for men to lead.
So lead my brothers.........lead with compassion, with a fervour. Lead so that we WANT to follow you. It is said that if you use your heart to see you will see clearly and beyond. If you hear with your heart, you can hear what it is meant by what is said, you will find clarity.
Only Allah knows..........


Staff member

Welcome to the website, and thank you for your post.

I think the problem where people are so backwards is when they do not implement Islam in their lives properly, as laid out in Quran and Sunnah. I liked your OS example!

It is not something which is solely in the Arab countries either. It is something for the whole Ummah to be aware of.

Often people resort to and mix up their culture with Islam, even when it goes against Islamic rules. Such as in South Asia where they do things which are similar to Sikh/Hindu practises.

There was a program, which i am hesitant to put on my website, because it is just so silly, (and that would not serve the main focus of this website), shows how some of the Sufi in Pakistan worship deformed children who have malformed heads. They pray to the "rat children", rather than to Allah. :astag:

And in many parts of the World Muslim women are not given the full rights they deserve, as is given in the Quran and Sunnah. What can even make things worse is when the people go to their ignorant Teachers and "Saints" and get advice which again is totally against Islam. -- Such as in one village in Pakistan, where the village elders said a woman was to be given rape as a punishment for not marrying someone. :astag:

So, therefore this just shows how weak the Muslims are, not because of Israel, America or others.. but, because of their lack of Islam. If the Muslims were stronger on their faith, Allah would unite them and make them victorious against all their enemies, even if the enemy had forces and equipment 1000x more superior. The stories of the early days of the Prophet :saw: and the obstacles they overcome reinforce this.

There are some Good articles here, which explain the way forward for the Muslim Ummah, according to how Allah (swt) and the Prophet:saw: has told us.



Junior Member
Yes I agree with you totally Mabsoot. And in fact, I spent a few months going in n out of this site to establish the "direction" of this site before finally deciding to join. I needed to ascertain if it is consistent with what I have been thought.
So far, alhamdulillah. Henceforth, I am comfortable recomending this site to friends and relatives; as we are scattered all over the world. Inshallah, this will lead to better things. May Allah swt guide you in your journey to pleasing HIM.
Only Allah swt knows.


Staff member
muslimlady said:
Yes I agree with you totally Mabsoot. And in fact, I spent a few months going in n out of this site to establish the "direction" of this site before finally deciding to join. I needed to ascertain if it is consistent with what I have been thought.
So far, alhamdulillah. Henceforth, I am comfortable recomending this site to friends and relatives; as we are scattered all over the world. Inshallah, this will lead to better things. May Allah swt guide you in your journey to pleasing HIM.
Only Allah swt knows.


JAzakallahu khayr, yeah this website does have some things of political nature, but alhamdulilah I and the other moderators are against any sort of extremism, whether it is carried out by ignorant Muslims or by State Terrorists such as Israel.

It is important to share information on political problems such as Palestine, because it is often something that non Muslims have misconceptions about. Especially due to the media coverage.

Unfortunately there are a lot of hotheads who just spout venom due to their ignorance of Islam and not being able to control their emotion. So, I also hope that the articles especially about the Ummah, can help Muslims understand the way forward. It is natural for people to become angry and feel upset over the death of our Muslim brothers and sisters, but it is important to know how to deal with it according to Quran and Sunnah.



New Member
Masha'alaah my sister you have nailed in head!

Originally Posted by muslimlady
Looking at the current state of events, I am saddened, appaled and baffled.
I am an Arab and looking at the conduct and behaviour pattern of the arabs that I know and meet including my own family members made me conclude that we will never win any war. Our beloved Prophet Mohammed:saw: has shown us many examples of how to conduct ourselves and how to go to war, how to motivate people; basically by motivating your own family and children first and then there will be a snowballing effect. We don't follow these examples.
The Arabs must think like a Muslim first; then only can they act like one. Far too often the Arabs are still tribal in nature and Jahiliyah in action.
It is still common in this day and age to prefer marriage within a tribe, failing which within a state failing which within a country. So the man could have been educated in London and might have lived and worked there for say 10 years and he will be made to marry someone from his native land who would have trouble adjusting to his environment. This leads to alot of abuse and friction; eventually divorce.
Arabs treatment of women in general remains very close to Jahiliyah, hence there is no barakah to all the wealth that has been accumulated through our natural resources.
Generally they have a "good" arab/muslim wife and then have a string of women thereafter hence exposing their own families to diseases and unhappines.
I have used the above examples as it is the most apparent and is one of the main point of contention by the infidels to attack Muslims and Islam and prove to the world what a horrible religion Islam is. Islam is like the perfect Operating System(OS) with its own hackers, new learners, lazy learners, ignorant s who constantly complain that it is a bad OS when they have not taken the time to learn it in its completeness etc.
This is not attack, this is an appeal from one arab to all arabs and muslims in general. Allah swt has given the men a measure of authority so that he may lead his family, his community, his country his fellow ummah. He is the Khalifah, only a man can be an Imam in a congregation of men and women. Sufficient evidence that Allah has ordained for men to lead.
So lead my brothers.........lead with compassion, with a fervour. Lead so that we WANT to follow you. It is said that if you use your heart to see you will see clearly and beyond. If you hear with your heart, you can hear what it is meant by what is said, you will find clarity.
Only Allah knows..........
Like I said in other post today in other titles.
We have abondoned the Qur'an and Suna of our rasululahi :saw:
They Have the Quran in their hands yet they don't follow what's ordering them to do , even though Allah Has said "THAT THIS RELIGION IS A COMPLETE ONE" but they choose satan way wich leads to hell.
My last word: Lord save our islamic states and show the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunna to have islam in the world prevail.


Junior Member

Welcome to the website, and thank you for your post.

I think the problem where people are so backwards is when they do not implement Islam in their lives properly, as laid out in Quran and Sunnah. I liked your OS example!

It is not something which is solely in the Arab countries either. It is something for the whole Ummah to be aware of.

Often people resort to and mix up their culture with Islam, even when it goes against Islamic rules. Such as in South Asia where they do things which are similar to Sikh/Hindu practises.

There was a program, which i am hesitant to put on my website, because it is just so silly, (and that would not serve the main focus of this website), shows how some of the Sufi in Pakistan worship deformed children who have malformed heads. They pray to the "rat children", rather than to Allah. :astag:

And in many parts of the World Muslim women are not given the full rights they deserve, as is given in the Quran and Sunnah. What can even make things worse is when the people go to their ignorant Teachers and "Saints" and get advice which again is totally against Islam. -- Such as in one village in Pakistan, where the village elders said a woman was to be given rape as a punishment for not marrying someone. :astag:

So, therefore this just shows how weak the Muslims are, not because of Israel, America or others.. but, because of their lack of Islam. If the Muslims were stronger on their faith, Allah would unite them and make them victorious against all their enemies, even if the enemy had forces and equipment 1000x more superior. The stories of the early days of the Prophet :saw: and the obstacles they overcome reinforce this.

There are some Good articles here, which explain the way forward for the Muslim Ummah, according to how Allah (swt) and the Prophet:saw: has told us.

Asalamualaikum wr wb. May Allah swt bless us , unite and guide us all to the right path. May Allah swt accept our prayers and doa. my dearest muslim family, come and let us doa for one another to ask and seek help from Allah swt the creator of the universe , the guardian and disposer of all affairs , to all do all matters return.Allahuakbar Laailahailallah muhammadur rasulullah dearest family, let us love in deed ,truth and in doa.nothing is greater than helping one another for the sake of Allah and rasul. all we have to do is doa.insyAllah with love and patience, nothing is impossible for Allah swt, to Allah belongs all that is in heaven and earth. and al we have to do is to ask,seek help from Allah."We think too much and feel too little more than machinery, we NEED Humanity, more than cleverness, we NEED kindness and gentleness. Allahuakbar. dearest family, everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.let us be strong in principle, kind and gentle. for all goodness let us love and have strong strength of mind.Allah swt is waking us all up. Allah loves us HE keeps testing us .subhanallah and if we remain calm and quiet with all the world crashing about us, secure in the knowledge Allah swt loves us,we can but keep believing,then nothing in life can defeat us , for as long as this knowledge remains ,i can suffer whatever is happening


Junior Member
I just came across youtube and pple were saying Islam = Arab Imperialism and you know what?These pple wer eignorant of Islam in the first place.

Sometimes I think Muslims can learn from REVERTS who tend to give better picture of Muslims and they dont mix culture with religion.In my country culture is mixed with religion that you dont even know which is which..I understand I live in a cosmopolitan city but there are certain things that make me upset abt my pple eg wearing hijab with tight skinny jeans



I find the original post interesting. However, I caution the writer not to generalize. You have covered too much territory. I feel the frustration.
There will always be men who will have a string of mistresses. I fail to see what that has to do with Islam. We need to separate individual behavior with our collective responsibililty. To say that all Arab men have mistresses is a false statement.
Once again the statement of marrying from a tribe, moving to the west and ending in divorce is a generalization. Often the converse occurs. Men marry women of the west and discover the incompatabiltity of the cultures and marry thier own. That is not restricted to religion.
We, Muslims can not be concerend about how the world sees Islam. Who cares. Why am I concerned about a person, a group of people that choose to remain ignorant. I move on. We Muslims can only be concerned about serving Allah.
As for Islam being a perfect operating system. Islam is not a system. Nor can Islam ever be linked to anything that is limited to the restrictions of man. Each Musilm is responsible for his behavior.
I am very concerned about attacking the behavior of men. By critizing Muslim men we play into the hands of those who wish us no good. We, as Muslim women need to uphold our men at all times. We, Muslim women need to be educated, serve our families, serve our communities and thank Allah that we have Muslim men. The family is the strenght of Islam. The man is the head and we women are the heart.



I agree with mirajmom....
I hate it when people talk bad abt the Arabs...
Its crazy...
i disagree with some of what muslimlady...Generalizing is not going to get u anywhere

i love my islam.
i love all muslims
i love my arab culture
i love yemen

Advice u go to this link and see how many arabs are in jail. A lot of Arabs are fighting..