
I'm not what you believe

With all my love for you,my son,
I hope you'll grow strong and faithful,
with the blessings of Allah
I hope you'll face the ease in your path.
Life is beautiful,
but it's too brief,
so may Allah open your heart to His belief
and may He let you spend a good time.
I dedicate to you my rhyme
and thank Allah to have made me the best gift.

Aisha hussain..

seeking knowledge
salama alaykum sis :
congratulations thats such a great blessing mashallah
and this rhym is fablous

may Allah protect from shaitan and guide him to eternal bliss inshallah ameen

take care sis have a great time with your cute baby inshallah

jazakallah khairan

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
MashaAllaah, ya ukhti. What a beautiful poem!

May Allaah subhanahu wa Taa'la send blessings and mercies upon your family and your children.

This reminds me. The story of Salaahudiin Al-Ayubi. MashaAllaah. From the very beginning of his childhood, he was taught with matters of the deen, he learned the Quran and in the meantime also learned on horse-riding, strategies in wars and how to use weapons. Later at the time of his youth, he joined in lots of wars until he became one of the best leaders to lead wars.

Eventually, he (eventhough has become a ruler at that time but yet never misses his qiyaam al lail) succeed with the help from Allaah in "conquering" back Palestine from the Christians!

It all started from the very beginning.

Therefore sister, I'll make dua'a that may Allaah Ar-Rahmaan make your son one of the future generation that will raise the name of Islaam to the highest place. Ameen.


Junior Member
assalam hey sis mashallah very nice gift to ur son
inshallah when he will grow he will be coolness of ur eyes...
take care


I'm not what you believe
Allah ibarkfikum sisters,thank you very much,I'm so happy,that I would give all my life to my son,I love him and hope Allah will protect him.:wasalam:

Aisha. joyo

Allah ibarkfikum sisters,thank you very much,I'm so happy,that I would give all my life to my son,I love him and hope Allah will protect him.:wasalam:

aslama alykum

:hearts: This poem is so touching manshallah may Allah (SWT) guide your son ameen.