the Crescent of Ramadan in the North america


New Member
Assalam alaikom wa rahmatu allah wa barakatuh

I wonder if to see the crescent of Ramadan in the north America is always different , why as an exemple , it happened last Ramadan , some areas celebrated the feast of al fitr , and the others not even the space between two places less than 90 miles , the issue is politic or religious ? for talk


New Member
Wa aliakum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu

This probably occurred because some have chosen to utilize calculations rather than an actual sighting. Out Islamic months are based on moon sightings and if the moon is not sighted then that month would be considered 30 days.

The simplest resolution to such debates can be found in the Qur'aan when Allaah says, "And if you disagree about and affair then return it back to Allaah and His Messenger." So in solving this, let us do just that.

Using calculations is not what we have been commanded to do by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) who said, "Fast when you see it [the new moon] and stop fasting when you see it, and if it is cloudy then complete the month with thirty days.” This is a clear hadeeth that is agreed upon.

Allaah may decree that the moon come out a day later or earlier and indeed Allaah is Al-Hakeem so to use a calculation would be highly unreliable. Certainly there were similar calculations in the time of the Prophet but yet and still he said we should SIGHT the moon. Additionally Allaah knew that there would be great advances in astronomy but yet and still we are commanded to SIGHT the moon.

What needs to happen in America is the establishment of one body or committee who is commissioned to sight the moon on a monthly basis. All Muslims should adhere to that committee's findings. Those who do not should be seen as those who have chosen not to go with the majority Muslim concensus.

Each region of the world should have its own moon sighting committee set up as the moon will be sighted at different times in different parts of the world. Based on that sighting the people should fast.

muhmmed aslam

New Member
as salawale com wareh matrula

Assalam alaikom wa rahmatu allah wa barakatuh

I wonder if to see the crescent of Ramadan in the north America is always different , why as an exemple , it happened last Ramadan , some areas celebrated the feast of al fitr , and the others not even the space between two places less than 90 miles , the issue is politic or religious ? for talk