The current situation with Iran and US and The Spectre of Operation Ajax


Info Warrior

How did we get in our current situation with Iran? If we go back in history we will find that we created this mess. The question is how? After World War II the world fundamentally changed included in this is Iran. Muhammed Mossadeq was elected prime minister of Iran in the early fifties' in the newly established constitutional government of Iran. Mossadeq was pro-American, anti-communist, and kicked the communists out of the northern part of his country. He was unhappy however about the lack of profits his country was receiving from oil revenues from a joint venture between Iran and The Anglo-Iranian oil company now known as British Petroleum. The false flag operation to overthrow Mossadeq was called Operation Ajax and it was a joint effort between the CIA and MI6. The provocations included agents of influence, bombing masjids, bombing homes of religious leaders, machine gunning crowds, and handing out hand bills that blamed Mossadeq for these actions and claimed he was in league with the communists. After this the Shah was put in as America's puppet and the CIA helped the Shah establish the dreaded secret police known as the SAVAK. For over twenty years he reigned as dictator and he ruled with an iron fist. In 1979 he was overthrown by the Popular Islamic Revolution led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. This led the Iran hostage situation which most Americans remember quite well, but they don't know what led to it. The lack of this knowledge is sometimes referred to as blowback. There where three more things that led to animosity between the US and Iranian governments. The US supplied Saddam Hussein
with chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq war. Hussein used the newly obtained chemical weapons without mercy not just on the Iranian military but the citizens of Iran as well. The US was also more than happy to help Saddam in this conflict by decimating most of the Iranian navy. The final aspect of this very strained relationship, if you can call it that, was part the recruitment of mujahideen during the Soviet Afghan involved beaming khutbah's from clerics via Radio liberty Europe(a clandestine CIA operation). These clerics would say the usual it is every muslims duty to protect muslim lands from foreign aggressors etc. However they went on also about how shia muslims were not real muslims and Iran had a fake or corrupted form of Islamic government. So now let's look to today and take a step back and analyze some of the arguments for invading Iran. They have said "The Iranians don't want nuclear reactors for energy purposes they want to make weapons." The basis used for this argument is that they have lots of oil and there is no need for Iran to have nuclear energy. This is a flawed argument because oil is a finite resource and you are going to need a back up energy source at some point.Of course this is assuming you have responsible leadership. We also hear about how Iran is a state sponsor of Terrorism that may be but the US government is by far the biggest state sponsor of Terror. Remember who created Al-Qaeda? Also look at Operation Gladio and the Red Brigades. It is the same story over and over again. There are also proposals out there to pre-emptively strike Iran with nuclear weapons. I constantly hear political pundits and others(being neo-cons who were or are affiliated with the current administration) ,"who say are we gonna strike or are we gonna let Israel take care of it?" This is absolutely crazy. There is no debate over the merits of military action. It is just we are doing it. The real question becomes what is the provocation going to be? This is where 9/11 truth comes in because if we can expose the fraud of a US led war on terror and the fraud of 9/11 we can stop this and return to stand down positions. May Allah help us because this is not going to be pretty.

"9/11 Synthetic Terror:Made In the USA" by Webster Tarpley
"Natos' Secret Armies" by Daniel Ganzer