The Desire to be Strong...

Al Qassimi

Junior Member

I have the desire to be strong, in strength, mind, etc. However, I do not intend to be strong in a way to boss people around.

But is this desiring dangers..should I desire it or not?

If someone can give me proof Quran or Sunnah be awesome.

Wa salam


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

We all have desires, but a muslim must be carefull to what he/she may desire for it may be a reason for him/her to go astray and use it the wrong way..

It is better to refrain from doing something good that may cause Fitnah without knowing it..

I do not intend to be strong in a way to boss people around

If you are sure that this won't happen, then May Allah grant you strength.

Other wise, i'd suggest you forget about it.

p.s: I don't mean to talk you out of it for no reason, i just worry what it might do to you.. cause i'v seen many young men who turned into gangsters because of getting physicaly strong.. And i love you as a brother..

Al Qassimi

Junior Member

Bro in no way I am going to be a gangaster, I think that kind of stuff is stupid..I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say.

In a way of being strong, is to help other people against the Kuffar, in a way to be strong that I will not be weak to defend my brothers and sisters.

The "Physical Strong" is weak and imposing your strength on weak people is making you weak yourself. I won't go into details about this.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
wa alaikum salam,
we can only be strong with Allah's will. someone with black belt had found murdered at my place last time while on her home.
