The end of Ramadan


Junior Member
What a loss Ramadan is ending : the month of mercy, love, prayers, Quran , fasting , brotherhood is ending .....But it`s lessons should help up us in the coming days. Now we should be closer to Allah our creator after fighting with our evils through those days, I ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to accept our fasting and purify our hearts to do more good in the future.:salah:


Hubbu Rasoolullah

Actually love, prayers, Quran , fasting , brotherhood will not end anyday...What we do in Ramazan we need to practise as it is in rest of months... And ramazan is a starting point for all of us... But only one thing is missing for us.. That is Month of Mercy...

Isha Allah Will pray to Allah SWT to grant us chance to fast in next year Ramazan.. Ameen..