The Hajj - Coming in 12 days


Slave of Allah
How many here are performing the coming Hajj? It's here in 12 days (not counting today).

I would love to do it, but I'm do young and thus too poor. If only I was born in Saudi Arabia...


Junior Member
Im not planning to go this year but I always think of it. Im 25 but I hope to go there as soon as possible inshalah. I m not that rich but if we really want to go i think we can find the means: u can work and save money for el hajj, we all save money when we need to make travels, to buy something . ..then why not for el hajj which should be one o our main goals in life

May Allah Allow us to perform it one day isa ameen


seeker of knowledge

When you have the intention then Allah will provide the means insha'Allah.



Asslamo Allaikum,

Having lived in Saudia I knew people who hadn't peformed HAJJ & I know many in the West who have done it many times.....Its about who Allah (SWT) Calls to his house to be His Guest Insha'Allah my brother...Make dua to Allah (SWT) & remeber us in your duas as well.

Jazakullah Khairun


New Member
As-salamu alaikum

I'll perform hajj this year together with my family insha allah... I'm so happy and I almost cant' wait until the day I can go there...:blackhijab: