the harsh truth


Junior Member
:salam2: :salah:

it is a sad and harsh truth that some ppl will use websites to make proposals and dating services.

but these very same ppl will post things discouraging others to do that. they will say it is haram haram haram. except when it is their turn or as the english say when the shoe is on the other foot.

hypocrites among the muslims is very common. all muslims should expect hypocrisy from their muslim brothers and sisters, especially the ones they think are very honest and upright. they are the most crooked ones of all.

very sad. very sad indeed. i am thinking of making a tv series called "Muslim Exposed!". it will feature muslims who discourage others but do the same thing themselves. :angryred:


Junior Member

The imaan increases and decreases. Not all muslims who are honest are crooked. It's not islamic to expose the sins of muslims only if there is an islamic reason for which justify the exposing of this sins. Maybe the one who sins asks forgiveniss to Allah... exposing the sin of this person is dangerous.

fi amanillah

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
hope ur in good health and imaan.

well i must say much as what u said was truth was false in

another sense.:)hypocrisy exists among muslims.But what u said or are

planning to do is altoghter wrong.:confused:

1stly not all upright and honest ppl are hypocrites:)

2ndly the tv series under such a name will not b beneficial fo the muslim

umah especially under current conditions when we are already marked as

terrorists:frown:.mostly for practising muslims who according to u are

hypocrites for sure.:)

3rdly exposing fellow huamns sins are haraam in islam.:astag:

4thly if u access to media.use ur accssion to benefit the ummah not give

them a bad name.:)

and brother,take my reply as an advice not a lecture.:hijabi:

hope u see my point,take care.:SMILY139:



Junior Member

why are we alwasy so judgemental...... ppl can have reasons to use such matrimonial sites... the harsh truth is that we don´t help when ppl are afflicted... we even don´t notice it... but we are very quick to judge them....


Junior Member
Ya Allah, bro, it's haram to expose other Muslims sins. yes, there may be hypocrites- but it's our jobto be good Muslims anyways- do we really care what they do in their personnel lives? As for the dating thing- ewwwwwww-yuck!icky!-sorry being a kid there :lol: but i strongly discourage people from PMing those kind of mails. and bro, how u said the 'best' one r the most "crooked" not all of that is true. and it's not OUR job to judge them


Junior Member
:salam2: :salah:

it is a sad and harsh truth that some ppl will use websites to make proposals and dating services.

but these very same ppl will post things discouraging others to do that. they will say it is haram haram haram. except when it is their turn or as the english say when the shoe is on the other foot.

hypocrites among the muslims is very common. all muslims should expect hypocrisy from their muslim brothers and sisters, especially the ones they think are very honest and upright. they are the most crooked ones of all.

very sad. very sad indeed. i am thinking of making a tv series called "Muslim Exposed!". it will feature muslims who discourage others but do the same thing themselves. :angryred:
aselemu aleikum

brother, its not polite to say what you just said, im sure plenty of muslims visiting this site regularly dislike this when it being 1 of them(you can read my postst on this subject), but for you or me or any muslim on the world to say muslims who look and think they are the most upright and honest etc are the worst..that is NOT to you or to me to judge..ALLAH ta3ala the best of judges will judge if you in the future would like to adress this issue inshallah, please do this with positive energy...after all our religion is advice, and supporting eachother with advice.

also you say all muslims should expect hypocrisy from their brothers and sisters, brother i dont know where you live, or what kind of people you meet..but im sure if you would make such a comment surrounded by other muslims, the reaction wont be nice.

hypocrisy is a fact in every community, including the muslim ummah...

however we are obliged to fight it, untill its every ayaah in the quraan hypocrisy is disliked by ALLAH ta3ala..

in the sunnah of the prophet may allah's peace and blessings be upon him, even a blind man can see he did not teach this at all, in fact he teached us to be everything except fr egoistic and hypocrit..

brother i feel bad when a muslim makes such a negativ comment on the entire ummah, please read more stories about the sunnah of the prophet salalahu wa3alayhi weselem and his companions may ALLAH bless all of will make you change your mind!


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum again, i forgot to say, if you would name your programm ''muslims exposed'' im 110% sure it will be a huge hit, there still is a huge demand for anti-islam and anti-muslim nonsense..


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

MashAllah you are trying to advise brother, but in a way try to put falls information on the site and about brothers and sisters on TTI,

The only reason I approved your post so that people can answer and reply, You might be one of the one of the returns who was banned from TTI due to the manners and behavior, I hope insha Allah you will be better .. but if you are a new welcome to TTI :)

Now, who am I or any TTI moderator to hold you from seeking good knowledge and friend ship, or Allah forgiveness. We dont gain anything from baning people on TTI , in reality the decision taken after a lot of consultation among moderators unless a person pass the limits and insults people he/she get banned right a way.

We all brothers and sisters the web site is yours, all we ask is to follow the manners and web site rules. Is it too much to follow the rules? As for moderators we are not perfect, so if any one have an issue talk to Mabsoot and he will fix the problem inshaAllah.

I hope we learn from our mistakes, but know for sure no one plays games on here, if any one have any issues with certain people I would advise you instead of mocking them and creating thread with no benefits, make duaa for them, you will gain 2 benefits from it, # 1 you will get reward inshaAllah, # 2 an Angel will make same duaa for you ... so imagine the benefit of an Angel making dua for you...

Remember matter how much smart we think we are remember Allah is watching us, and he knows what our soul whispering to us...

May Allah guide us to the right path...

wa salaam alikom