the muslimah I desire...


to Allah we belong

I read this in some forum. i didn't write this.:)

The Women I DESIRE

The Woman I admire
wearing her attire
hiding her figure,
thus, curbing my desire..

The Woman I desire
fearing the (hell) Fire
is diligent in her prayers
for the rewards of life hereafter'

The Woman I encounter
is beyond bother
with the keen race
to beautify the face!

The Woman I ask
from dawn to dusk
is busy with ALLAH
murmuring, subhan'allah, subhan'allah, subhan'allah

The Woman I observe
certainly deserves
better respect
than what she expects

The Woman I met
boasting her beauty
most probably by surgery?
but does she know it is all temporary?

Hence, the Woman I know
is advised to follow
the sunnah of our beloved Rasool Allah :saw2:
from head to toe'.

The Woman I judge
often bears a grudge
EQUALITY, she requests (or rather protests)
but please bear in mind ALLAH'S inquest!

The Women I hurt (by this article)
please do not curse or smut
for it is better I warned
before all is gone'.


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

That is nice to read. JazakAllahu khair brother.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
Assalamu Alykum. :)

Jazakallahu Khair for sharing with us Akhi. ;) May Allah SWT reward you. Ameen.



ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa'laikum salaam akhi

Subhanallah!! very beautiful indeed and very nicely written also:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
jzk for sharing- *the brother i admire*:biggrin::biggrin:


to Allah we belong
barak Allah feek all of u for liking it. :D

i dont know who wrote this but i thought to share with u as its beautiful. :)