the only way to destroy a nation...

nations are destroyed only when they don't do justice to its own people. whenever there is a lack of justice, a nation destroys its own self.

this is a key concept non-muslims have understood from the rule of 'Umar RA. unfortunately, muslims have been unable to understand the works of their own.

take the example of israel, its a terrorist state but it evacuated ethiopian jews and gave them homes on arab lands. it does justice to its own people. the same goes with the british and the americans. there are cases where the culprit walks scot-free but those are due to loopholes in the law, not due to wilful injustice. these nations follow the letter of the law when it comes to dispensing justice. and that is the key.
this is the single most important thing a youngster can learn. justice is the most important factor in governing any nation. without justice, a nation will divide itself.