The Pious Husband

Appa BK

Muslimah Light


Marriage to him is one half of the deen,
To please Allah (swt) is more than a dream.

He wears his beard for his Lord, to please and obey,
He turns to Allah (swt) for Salah at least five times a day.

He prays in the night and makes sure to wake you,
And strives during daylight to provide and protect you.

He lowers his gaze with firmness because he does not desire,
To displease Allah (swt) and face His just ire,

He asks advice from the ummah, and his wife too,
Before making decisions that he might later rue.

To his wife he is humble and always most kind,
Sharing his burdens with strength and clear mind.

He opens his mouth only to say what is best,
Weighing all options ?fore denying a request.

He takes care of himself and family too
Knowing that Allah (swt) will see them through.

He is a pleasure from Allah (swt) above
Be thankful to Allah (swt) and His blessings through love.

Abu Jamielah


New Member

Assalaamu aalaikum sis,

I hope, insha Allah, may Allah give me the eemaan as a muslim should have and a wife having thoughts like u. Pray for me....:)

Appa BK

Muslimah Light

Jazak'Allah Ghair brother for the kind words.... Insha'Allah Allah (SWT) blesses you with all that is good for you and your Imaan..... Ameen:)



ALLAH is in my heart
salam sis
its realy great poem.
jazakallahum kahir for sharing.
i hope my hubby also become so much religious.
plz make dua for my hubby.
thanx again for sharing.