The Prophets visit to Taif


The Year of Sorrow was the year the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Talib and his wife, Khadijah died. However, it was also the year the Prophet went to Taif to pass on dawah to them, as it was his given duty, the prophet went to Taif after the death of his wife and uncle. The prophet was about 50-51 years old. They were two tribes in Taif, Taqif and Hawazin who worshipped very, very strongly in an idol called Al-Lat. The people were rich and proud and most wealthy people went to Taif on holiday. The prophet went to Taif with his adopted son Zaid. The people of Taif were worse than the people of Makkah and when Muhammad (SAW) and Zaid went to the leaders of Taif they mocked them and throw stones at them until they bled. The children made fun of them and chased them away the Prophet did not say anything to them but left quietly. For he and been informed of these people by Allah, who had told him he would be cast astray by his own people and that the rich people would not follow him.
“We have not sent not any town a warner and the proud habitants declare. We shall not believe in and we shall not be punished.” (Sa’ba V34-35)
The Prophet (PBUH) sat outside Taif next to vineyard and raised his hands in du’aa. He said to Allah that he did not have any manpower, money nor any respect. But he did not want it as long as he had Allah’s mercy. He (PBUH) did not want Allah be angry with him.
(This shows how much the Prophet (PBUH) felt for his people, how much he wanted for them to be Muslim and sent to paradise.)
Allah sent an angel down who asked Muhammad (SAW) if he wanted the two mountains surrounding Taif to crush the people. However, the Prophet (PBUH) said no, leave them just in case they become Muslim, which they did, 10 years later. The owner of the vineyard saw the Prophet and Zaid were hurt and sent his slave Abbas to give them grapes, Abbas was a Christian. The prophet said Bismillah Ar-rahamaan Niraheem as he eat the given grapes. This amazed Abbas and when they talked a bit more, Abbas became Muslim. The owner became angry and said that the Taif would punish Abbas. But Abbas had seen the truth and said he trusted Allah and His Messenger.