The Real Iman!


Junior Member
Salam Alikom Brothers and Sisters

Sometimes media file can deliver the message clearly and more effectively than written advices and speeches.

Honestly, I could not hold my tears.

Just to translate the speakers, they are saying that “please noticed the 60 years old guy while he is praying, if someone physically healthy saw the movie he/she supposed to be shy from Allah”
“That guy might be handicapped physically, but not in soul”!
“He is standing like fully healthy for doing his tahajod”
They said:”if someone saw it he will feel him/her self insignificant compared to him”
May Allah be mercy with our few works and Ebadah :( :( :(
We can notice that all people surroundings are relaxing but he is not, Masha Allah ………………..

I will leave you with the link