The Return


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
"The Return"
By Ahmad Abu Khattab

Indeed a time shall come for the believers,
A time where all shall cheer and cheer.
A harmonious state will once again come,
Where all will prosper and strongly adhere.

Qur'an and Sunnah on everyone's lips,
The taste of victory will be of the vernacular.
Tranquility flowing through our golden valley's,
An era that will be every bit spectacular.

Justice served to those oppressed,
A feast for those who are of the poor.
Order evidnet in the ranks of our leaders,
Enjoining good is what they'll adore.

Brotherhood firm and continually growing,
Masjid's full with the firm believers.
A reborn superpower is what it'll be,
Harmony brought back for Allah's dear creatures.

Safe paths now open for our fragile women,
The supreme law upheld above all the false.
A bright light will shine across all our lands,
As we'll slowly begin to feel the Ummah's pulse.

Allah has promised the return of our state,
A time where our affairs shall be calmly eased.
Until that day comes I remind you to strive,
For at the moment our Ummah has surely ceased...

So bow down to Him Who has given you life,
For surely it is He Who has the power.
Allowing us again to be of the honourable,
Will make our state like a blooming flower.

Supplicate and hope for the return of us,
Hope for the reopening of the treasure chest.
So on the Day you can tell your Lord,
"O Allah indeed we did our best!"

Be not of those who are false in their tongue,
For verily they have been lead astray.
A painful torment is what awaits them,
A hefty price they'll have to pay.

Drowning in sorrow is the life they lead,
Even more sorry they'll be in the approaching end.
Let the dividers of the states enjoy their time,
For the floor of Hell will be their eternal bed.

For now we see the corruption of people,
But know that Allah is true to His word.
One day we'll be the people of truth,
People who are free like a soaring bird.

So I remind you O believer! Be patient for now,
For indeed we're facing a glorious test.
Those who remain firm on the truth of Islam,
Will indeed be on the Day of the very best.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Maaaasha'allah, this is soo beautifullllll!:SMILY252:
JazakAllahu khairan for sharing akhi-:)

I love this part,.,:
"Safe paths now open for our fragile women,
The supreme law upheld above all the false.
A bright light will shine across all our lands,
As we'll slowly begin to feel the Ummah's pulse
.".....Insha'allah there WilL come a day that tha Ummah's heart'll be at ease:biggrin::biggrin:

:)And this part Ofcourse!:
"Supplicate and hope for the return of us,
Hope for the reopening of the treasure chest.
So on the Day you can tell your Lord,
"O Allah indeed we did our best!"..
THAT's excactly what am hoping for:)


Salam alaikum

Jazakallahu Khair brother...
very nice poem,Inshaa'Allah we are also and everybody is looking for these attributes
May Allah SWT grant this.
Barakallahu Feeke


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Asalamu 'Alaykuum,

Jazakuum Allahu Kheir! May Allah reward both of you, Ameen.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatu! :SMILY259:


I'm not what you believe
very good poem,in Sh Allah everything will be good,In Allah ma'a as-sabirin:wasalam:


Sab'a Sita Ethnain

Wa'Alaykuum Asalam,

Jazaki Allahu Kheir! And indeed Allah is with the patient. Those who hold tight to the Rope of Allah 'azawajal are indeed the victors on the Day of Judgement.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum!