Sisters The whole world is wearing the Hijaab


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The whole world is wearing the Hijaab

Dear sisters,

Do you know that the whole world is actually"wearing"Hijab?!

YES! (The whole world is wearing Hijab)

The earth is surrounded by the atmosphere

Fresh fruits have peels on them

The sword is preserved in a sheath

Ink pen would dry without a cap
And would be thrown away because it became useless

Why would our daughters cover their books, if not to protect them?!

If an apple came without a peel, it would be rotten
If a banana came without a peel, its color would turn to black

And a woman is a beautiful flower which every one wishes to pick
So she must be protected by Hijab

SubhanAllah! All the world is wearing Hijab!


Junior Member
Subhana lah.....Thank you Allah for Hijab...I don't feel that it's an order, but it's a mercy from God to every give us more security and show our integrity...
it's inshallah our passeport to paradise...
May Allah help us to wear the RIGHT HIJAB


I'm not what you believe
subhanallahit's true,but there are also many ones who don't still do it,indeed,they refuse hijab imitating the behaviour of the non believers.I feel little ashamed for themnwhen I cross the sight of some women who don't wear where you can see fruit having its peel,you see many homes built with tons of glass,so that everybody can look at those who live inside them