There is One Muslim



I'm gonna try to translate this text from Bosnian, i hope you'll like it because we muslims (in whole ummah ) can be found here by some verse . Jazzak Allah Khajr for reading :)


There is one muslim who prays all day long

There is one muslim who prays fajr and maghreeb. He goes to Jumah also.

There is one also who says that he prays when he remembers prayer.

There is one muslim who prays only Taraweeh salah.

There is one muslim who prays from eid to eid.

There is one muslim who gets so angry when some one tells him that he is not good muslim and he tell him:" You gonna tell me if i'm good muslim and since i know for myself i was praying tree salaahs a day"!

There is one muslim who does not pray and doesn't go to mosque but says that he would like to pray and go to mosque.

There is one muslim who went to madrasa, but looks like he never went there.

There is one muslim who all day long mentiones Allah and says:" Sobhan'Allah, Alhamdulillah, and forgive me akhi ."

There is one muslim who says that he will repent when he turnes 70 ( years ) and he doesn't know that he may die tomorrow.

There is one muslim who gets angry when some one tells him that he is neomuslim.

There is one muslim who is muslim only by the name.

There is one muslim who talks the worst about imams and people that went on hajj. He looks little thinks before them and doesn't se a mountain of bad things in front of him.

There is one muslim who never prays, never fasts, never goes to mosque, but when is eid-al-adha, he does qurban.

There is one muslim who says he's muslim in his soul and heart.

There is one muslim who fast ramadan and prays, but , as soon as ramadan finishes, he stops praying and starts consuming alcohol.

There is one muslim who went on Hajj but better if he didn't.

There is one muslim who hates salam, and says it's Arabic word, but he doesn't mind that his car runs on Arabic fuel.

There is one muslim who acts toward Islam like Serbs toward Dayton's pact. Takes from it what he likes, and reject what he dislikes.

There is one muslim who is all the time in mosque, but fights with his relatives and neighboors, and is in courtroom with them.

There is one muslim who gives a lectures and you think he is mufti ( great schoolar ) and he doesn't even pray.

There is one muslim who just looks what are imaams doing.

There is one muslim who says he's not going to the mosque because he sees who else is going.

There is one muslim who goes to mosque so that others may see him, other goes to see who is going and who is not going to mosque.

There is one muslim who says if he had 70 heads he would loose all of them for imaan.

There is one muslim who says that he would die for Islam, but when you invite him to the mosque he says:" That movie you won't see !.

There is one muslim who believes in God, but does'n believe in Jannat an Jahannam.

There is one muslim who just repent and he wants all of sudden , everybody to be like him.

There is one muslim who gets mad when he sees somebody that repented, and little by little he's mentioning to him that till yesterday he was drinking and doing bad things.

There is one muslims who spends more time at the bar, than in his own house.

There is muslim who have beautiful muslim name, but curses on God ( nauzubillah ) and mosque.

There is one who's ashamed that he's muslim.

There is one muslim who says he would like to be anything exept for imam or president to his people.

Taken from the book " House on two floors and roof", autor Fahrudin Sinanovic


Subhana Allah!
masha Allah

in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compasionate.
you know you are right i have seen all these people especially when they say they are young they should have fun and be a good muslim about the age of 60-death. you never know when death is gonna attack you