They're Jealous! Of Course They 'll Be -

zainab bala

Allah is sufficient.
Nobody kicks a dead dog. If you are worthless, and of no consequence, nobody bothers about you. But, if you are an achiever, a success, with great potentials, expect heavy dose of jealousy from people who are related to you, and those who are not. You may be the kindest of people and very humble even with your enormous wealth or knowledge because of the fact that you believe this is from Allah, people will still be jealous.

Your sin? You are better. Not because you are arrogant or because you lord it over them, but simply because you are doing or have what they think should be doing or shoild have. The Prophet (s.a.w) was bitterly critised with verbal insult and with looks that would make the weak-hearted almost trip, but he was always calm and patient.

Have you ever entered a gathering before and you could feel the animosity towards you so thick you could cut it with knife? You'd even catch some eyes looking at you as if you're dirt, and you're like 'O my God,' That is the green eyed monster. Be calm, recite Ayat Al Kursy, Surah Al Falaq, Surah An Nas and take your seat.

If you pre-occupy yourself with 'I dont want people to hate me, I will be such that people will not be jealous of me again,' you are saying you want to be a failure, because it is only failures who have jealous Immunity. So don't express anger at people's jealousy, it should be expected if you want to be an Achiever.


Junior Member

in my oppinion every single person is created valuable. Cuz Allah has honored us with creating us as human beeings. to be successfull means to be a mumin... Those who are jelous at others because they are looking good, have a great job... etc. and undervalue others who don´t have a reputation in society, because they are not pretty/handsome or are poor or whatever, they are of the loosers... because they don´t know the true meaning of success... No matter If I´m a cleaner or a manager of a top company ... that doesn´t account who I am... In my oppinion we should not care about it when people are jalous at us or undervalue us... what matters is what Allah is thinking about us... :)
