Things which are clear before you reverted to islam


Junior Member
Lets list some of the things islam was able to answer, and your former religion basically couldn't. Or things which seem more reasonable, logical, and is easier generally for the mind and soul...for instance the answer as to why their are soo many religions in the world.


Slave of Allah
Assalaamu Alaykum
I haven't given this much thought until recently. These are questions related to Christian Pantheism (the belief that God is everywhere):

How could God be everywhere, yet not be in the prescence of sin?

If evil is the absence of God, then how is God everywhere?

Here are some other questions:

How can Jesus be God and Man at the same time? One cannot be perfect and imperfect. One cannot be All-knowing yet not All-knowing, etc.

How could Noah's Ark of happened globally if there are so many races that exist on the Earth (Islam has answered this one, for the flood is believed to have happened locally according to Noah's area)

How can 3 be one?

If God is Self-Sufficient, why did Jesus (who's supposed to be God) need the other members of the Trinity's help to be ressurected?

How did Jesus "give up his life willingly" when it's obvious that he begged God so many times to "remove this cup from" him (I.E. change it so that Jesus doesn't have to get crucified)

What the HECK is up with the Book of Solomon? That's Xography!

How does Jesus fufill the prophecy of "and no bone of his will be broken" when nails were driven into his hands and feet?

Who was the person God mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18 and who was the person who was prophecized as leading a nation, being a prophet, and being a great general? (Obviously, these were prophecies of Muhammad (PBUH&HF)

Paul has clearly stated that women are to be silent in church, not speak without her husband's permission, and to wear a Hijab. What's up with the first 2 restrictions? Why was Paul so sexist?

Paul has stated that Jesus knows all things. If Jesus knew all things, then how come Jesus said that he doesn't even know when the Hour is?


Junior Member
First of all, i love your post everytime i read them i feel like i've learned something new. For instance i just read your post titled "brilliant answer to the question of the rock"...very informative.

Here is one i would like to add to your list: First of all the prophecy in the bible regarding the comforter or the paraclyte fits like a glove with Prophet mohammed(pbuh), the one in john and deutronomy 18.

Islam and true brotherhood. In the quran unlike other holy books god gives the reason why nations and tribes and why different people "to know one another"....

Ohh the holy quran is the only book which has self-reference, it mentions the quran 70 times....interesting.


Slave of Allah
Assalaamu Alaykum
Thank you for reading my posts. Alhamdulillah, I'm not guiding people to Jahannam :D

You're right, the whole "Comforter" issue does fit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF).

The Qur'an not only mentions the reasons for having different tribes, it also acknowledges different tribes.

No other Holy Book has it's name mentioned in itself. You won't find "Bible" in the Bible, and you won't find "Torah" in the Torah. However, "Qur'an" is mentioned, as you said, 70 times.


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaykum
Thank you for reading my posts. Alhamdulillah, I'm not guiding people to Jahannam :D

You're right, the whole "Comforter" issue does fit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF).

The Qur'an not only mentions the reasons for having different tribes, it also acknowledges different tribes.

No other Holy Book has it's name mentioned in itself. You won't find "Bible" in the Bible, and you won't find "Torah" in the Torah. However, "Qur'an" is mentioned, as you said, 70 times.

No problem. First of all i would like to invite you to this thread i had very interesting i know you will appreciate it:

Watch the youtube video..the world "allah" jesus uses in, also the equilevant of the arabic ahmed in its syriac fashion mahahmah....enjoy

:) salam


Slave of Allah
Walaykum Salaam
Great find! JazakAllahu Khair. When I watched the Passion of the Christ, I would've never picked that up. It's a good thing to think about.


Junior Member
Walaykum Salaam
Great find! JazakAllahu Khair. When I watched the Passion of the Christ, I would've never picked that up. It's a good thing to think about.

No problem :)

Its aramaic and many people don't even realizee that Jesus uses "allah"...the prophecies are clear and the quran makes a the statement that jesus said this which is a proof in the above clip subhanalllah. If only more of us go out to christians and kindly point out these prophecies to them it will be helpful. But alahdillah the deen is spreading around the world.

I have 30 more minutes till my work shift is done :) salam!!


Junior Member
I haven't really reverted YET, but I was raised in Christianity, so...

- The trinity never made any sense to me
- The fact that Jesus was the son of God was never believable enough, especially when it says in the Bible that he wasn't God, but yet Christians get this confused all the time
- I never liked that in Christianity, you could do whatever you wanted but technically, if you just said a few words and asked for forgiveness you could be forgiven for just about anything. In a sense, it was just too easy
- There are inconsistencies in the Bible from account to account
- How disrespectful the Bible is to women at times, especially Paul

umm hussain

Junior Member
Re: Asalam alaikum

1. I couldn't make sense of How the Shaytan could be a fallen Angel, yet Angels do not have free will and are only designed to worship Allah. I only got my answer after accepting Islam and realising he wasn't an Angel in the first place but of a separate creation called Jinn.

2. Being a Catholic we had to go and ask forgiveness from the Priest and after telling him what you have done wrong and reciting a few things he would then tell you to go in peace because your sins are forgiven. To be honest I didn't like this at all and I would say to my mum why should I ask forgiveness from another human being and not ask God direct and I remember praying in my room asking God to forgive me. Yet i wasn't even Muslim then and I didn't know anything about Islam and obviously Islam only confirmed what I already believed that only Allah can forgive sins.

You can read my reversion story on this link for those who haven't already read it inshallah


Junior Member
Masha Allah. I would just like to add to what sister kaileigh said about Jesus being the son of God. The Bible ascribes tons of sons to God too but Christians say that these are only metaphorically.

'Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the SON OF GOD." LUKE 3:38

"That the SONS OF GOD saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took wives of all which they chose. ". . when the SONS OF GOD came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." GENESIS 6:2 and 4

( " . . Thus- saith the Lord, Israel is MY SON even my FIRSTBORN." EXODUS 4:22

" . . and Ephraim is my FIRSTBORN," JEREMIAH 31:9

" . . Thou (o David) ART MY SON; this day have I (God) BEGOTTEN thee. " PSALMS 2:7

But when it comes to Christ peace be upon him the meaning is twisted