Think it Seriously


Junior Member

Inshallah all everyone TTI is well. May Allah bless this site and everyone on it. Unfortunately there is all sorts of concerns within the Ummah today, and this is beacuse if we go bk to what our beloved prophet {swt}said, 'He Who leavs the quran and sunnah, will be doomed', unfortunately thats is what is happenin now, that is why we have many problems.

Brothers arent following the sunnah, followin the example set by our beloved prohet {swt}, we are not going down the pray Salah at the masjid with the jamat, we aren't praying 5 times a day (it used to be 55, but thanks to our beloved prophet its 5) Our beloved prophet{swt} said, 'if people knew the amount of blessing there is on the 1st row of jamat, people would compete for them' alhamdulillah brothers should try get down the mosque and be in the 1st row. also brothers should be following the sunnah, we should have a fist length beard etc. but unfortunatlely rather than wantin to follow the example set by our prophet, we are wanting to intergrate into the duniya because we dont want to be looked at differently. Astagfirullah, brothers should be 'lowerin thier gaze',

But what do we see.................. Sisters, the wifes of our beloved prohet are the best example for you, try and read up on thier lives and implemeant them into yours, read the surahs regarding women issues in the quran and take heed on them. unfortunately, forgive me if im wrong, but sisters are being attacked about the veils, becoz not many wear them for right purposes, sum that do wear them, wear them becoz thier parents have made to, so they doin it in that fear, not fear of Allah. i think ther will come a tym soon when bros with beards, who well hav already been discrimanted, but will com a tym where they will want impose something on beards, why? becoz we will have left this sunnah of our beloved prophet .

Brothers and Sisters, just think why are we havin sooo many family problems, marriage problems, arguments, its because we are leavin our Deen. im just gona leave everyone to dwell and SERIOUSLY THINK over this question: "Say one day your sat at home on your comfy sofa, and theres a knock on the door, you go to open the door and..... it our Beloved Prophet , who spent his life sayin 'Ummahti, Ummahti'. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?" Would a Brother grow a fist length beard, throw the t.v out his house, say Aslaam Alikum Wa Rahmatullah, instead of 'Yo'........ Would a Sister put on her hijab and dress the way she should be within islam...... What Would You Do?*Personally, i'd burst into tears,

A) how has a sinful person like me had the blessings of the beloved prophet coming to my house .

B) this is the prophet who suffered time and time again for us sinful people, and since we are still part of his ummah, he will still interceed for us on qayamt. Inshallah, people will reply their views and what they would do, becuase this a question that is very pondering... must off all, lets not just reply but serioulsy think and change our life, as time is passing us very quickly.. Jazakallah.

May Allah forgive this Ummah for its ignorance, and give us Steadfastness, and the ability to follow the Sunnah. O Allah, You are the Turner of Hearts, Turn Our Hearts on to the Straight Path. Ameen

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