This Straight Path


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Straight Path,

By Akmal Hasan

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) drew a line for us and then said: That is the path shown by Allah. Then he drew several other lines on his right and left sides and said: These are the paths on every side of which there is a devil calling towards it. He then recited this verse: `Verily this path of Mine is straight so adhere it.' (5:167). [Hasan], MISHKAT AL-MASABIH No: 0166.


He Rasulullah (SAW) once drew a line,
The man so great so sublime.
And he (SAW) said, “This is my Path”
All other trails obtain Allah’s Wrath.

And again he drew some more lines joining that line
A devil sitting on each of these, calling people to join.
So people, never jaywalk leaving the True Way.
If you do, your own soul you betray.

Such an easy and clear path he showed
The Mercy of Allaah on which is bestowed.
So dear people why should one stray?
When the road to success is before us lay.

This Straight Path of Prophet (SAW) is our only way,
All other alleys, short cuts, trails etc. goes astray.
Hold on with your molar teeth on this path was his advice,
Only fools ignore it, and the one that heeds is wise.

Narrated Hammam that Hudhayfah said: "O Group of al-Qurraa', follow the straight path, for then you have taken a great lead (and will be the leaders), but if you divert to the right or left, then you will go far astray." BUKHARI No: 6.739



No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

O my Lord, take my hand on your straight Path

O my Lord, always protect me from your wrath

Bestow your Mercy upon me the day I'll be carried on a lath

Forgive me all my sins and provide ma water, ice and hail bath.