To Have, To Hold...

Scented Blood

New Member
In a world of pain you brought my sunshine
In a world of rain you gave me shelter
In a world of hurt you were mine

Mine to have
To hold
To care
To never share

Night or day
Good and bad
It never mattered
Because you were there

A lifetime of chasing shadows
When you were what was real

I’m sorry I hurt you
Truly I am
This life will never be enough to tell you how much I care

The time I spent away from you
I consider it nothing but a waste

The time I spent with you

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
But I have you and I know your worth

For me your equal does not walk this earth
Nor breathe the same air
Because you have no equal

You’re special
You just don’t know it yet…


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
"You're special- you just don' know it yet"...What a good way to end it!:)
Masha'allah. Very beautiful indeed! The title reminded me, Isn't 'To have and to hold' part of the christian weddings' vows?
Thank you for sharing this.