To those who can understand Malay language.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال

Perhaps this is insignificant but thought that I'd like to post it anyways!

While I was at the KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport), I somehow bumped into Ustaaz Zahazan (refer to my post #1 and #5 about who I'm talking about). Masha Allaah! Just gave him a smile. I have gain a lot of knowledge through his Kuliaah Tafseer daily. Alhamdulillah.


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Occasionally, this thread will be bump up whenever there is anything valuable/important to share with others [who are able to understand the language, of course].

^^Tafseer Surah Al-Kahfi by Ustaaz Zahazan.

Tafseer of this surah was aired in the radio years ago [year 2007] when I first started listening to it. The above lecture was recently given in Kelantan with regards to the month of Ramadhaan.

What makes him among the reliable and trustworthy Ustaaz around here [or some might call as their "local sheikh"] is that whenever he is to teach tafseer of any ayaat, he refers to various kitaab tafseer among which includes: Tafseer Ibnu Katheer [the best tafseer],
Tafseer Ibnu Jarir At-Thobari,
Tafseer Mutawwali Ash'Sharawi,
Tafseer As-Suyuti
Fi Dhilal Al-Quran written by Sayyid Qutb (if I'm not mistaken) and many more.
I can assure you he refers to more than 5 tafseer. So even if the lecture is for 15 mins on weekdays, you learn an exceptional amount of ilm' of various aspects. [Personal experience]

The link I posted is in Malay but inshaaAllaah will share the ilm' when I have the time. Perhaps if Brother BadTasteBears would like to do the translation, then it would be highly appreciated. [Providing that you have the time].



Fear Allah

jazakAllah khayr for sharing these ukhti. and insyaAllah when I've got the time I'll translate it for everyone's benefit.

May Allah bless you.