Took Shahada a few days ago. Now what?


New Member
My family has many reverts to islam, alhamdulillah. I would like to help you! Ive sent you a private message. Plz reply!
Congratulations on being muslim!


Junior Member
Allah is helping u

Wa alaykom salammm wa rahmatu allah dear sister.I wanna start by congratulate u being here in our BIG FAMILY.U have chosen the right path and be sure that ALLAH(subahana wa ta'alla)will help u to emprove ur deen,ur iman.I'm a converted girl too;i took my shahada few weeks ago AL HAMDULILLAH and i feel so peaceful inside and am so happy of my choice,i'm so proud to be a muslimah.
So,dear sister.....i dont know everything when it comes to islam(i guess we all dont know yet everything about islam) but i can help u as much as i can.
Now u r a muslimah AL HAMDULILLAH and the first thing u must know is that u must WEAR HIJAB.First bcz this is wat it says in the quran:

*{And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons...}* (An-Nur 24:31).

So wearing the hijab its a MOST not A CHOICE.
The second thing u have to know is that as a muslim ur duty to ALLAH (subahana wa ta'alla) is to do ur 5 daily prayers on time.
Check this out and u will find how to pray

Me,being a muslimah i do my all prayers and i feel so well and happy.
I didnt know too at first how to pray,how to do woodo(wich means,u must wash ur hands,face,feets before salat).It wasnt easy but i could manage it and now am so proud of myself.
THE HOLY QURAN,THE HOLY BOOK its a relif.Just read one chapter of the BOOK and u will find out how amazing u feel,how u feel after u finish it.

I wanna talk more with u(am 20 years) sister to sister.I am happy that u came to islam,u have found ur light,ur right path.

May allah shows u the truth always and help u to go through this.PUT UR TRUST IN ALLAH,LIVE THE REST TO HIM.UR SISTER IN ISLAM.....SARAH(MY MUSLIM NAME)


New Member
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakathu sis
welcome to the worldwide Ummah:)
I am also a revert sister in the UK(London:) alhamdilliah
I think that the most important aspect of our deen is learning the five daily prayers
two good websites are:
for learing how to pray
and for learning suras
have found them to be of great help to me:)
We would also love you to join
where did you take your shahada?would also love to hear you conversion story:)
hope your time on here is beneficial:)

your sis in Islam

sister welcome in Islam
i am your muslim brother
i am from Bangladesh
about religion we can share everything:ma:

my name is mamun:astag:

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Congratulations on becoming a muslim, and keep on coming to this site to be in touch and learning more as we all do here.

I am sure things would become more easier as days go and Allah will help... Be Patient and Allah will reward you. Trust him alone and he will be the best supporter inshallah.
